Analysis of trends in premature mortality by Labour voting in the 1997 general election Mortality relates to voting patterns within areas: mortality is higher the greater the proportion of the electorate who vote Labour or abstain and the conv... Dorling,D - 《Bmj British Medical Journal》 被引...
Voting on most questions was in the format yes, no or abstain, where abstaining was recommended if the Panel member felt a conflict of interest in the question, that there was insufficient evidence to support an opinion either way or that he or she lacked the relevant expertise. Detailed ...
Although the Random Forest (RF) algorithm performs classification tasks based on the majority voting of an ensemble of decision trees, to provide a fair and comprehensive comparison, we were interested to observe how RF outperforms a single decision tree prediction task. Logistic Regression (LR) is...
[23], proposed an integrated framework for an IDS for SCADA-based power grids, in which they used Recursive Feature Elimination (Feature Selection Technique) to reduce the features from 128 to 30 features and nine heterogeneous ensemble classifiers with the majority voting stacking concept to ...