Jaundice and related symptoms The most obvious sign of jaundice is when the whites of your eyes and your skin turn yellow. This is caused by the buildup of a chemical called bilirubin in your tissues. Bilirubin is a dark yellow-brown chemical made by your liver. It's a waste product fro...
pubmed google scholar crossref 18. maimburg rd, vaeth m, schendel de, bech bh, olsen j, thorsen p. neonatal jaundice: a risk factor for infantile autism? paediatr perinat epidemiol . 2008;22(6):562-568. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3016.2008.00973.x pubmed ...
commonly used in pharmacological and toxicological researches. To control for technical variation, WB indicators are normalized through immunodetection of an inside standard “house-keeping” gene or total necessary protein measurement via staining of the identical blot or a duplicate, sibling blot. Incre...
They were then educated with the help of educational module comprising of pamphlets in Marathi, pictures, immunization protocols and also trained in clinical examination of their child to detect pallor, fever, jaundice, respiratory distress and splenic enlargement. After intervention post test and OSCE...
(for a week before symptoms) and hepatitis A (for two weeks before jaundice). (Papadakis et al.2020), (Hay2018) Thus, this aspect of the COVID virus, which is infectious 1–2 days before symptoms, is not unique but its presence in a globally-dispersed agent makes the clinical ethical...
However, their diagnostic accuracy is relatively low due to susceptibility to interference from benign conditions, such as pancreatitis and jaundice [3]. Recent studies have highlighted the potential of various molecules in serum, including mRNA, microRNA, enzymes, and metabolites, as cancer biomarkers...