However, this is the first evidence that nightmares may also help us monitor such a serious autoimmune condition like lupus, and is an important prompt to patients and clinicians alike that sleep symptoms may tell us about impending relapse." More information: Neuropsychiatric prodromes and ...
6 months, and 12 months from the completion of the TEVAR procedure. Symptoms, medications, laboratory measurements, electrocardiogram and imaging tests (ultrasonic cardiogram and contrast-enhanced CT, depending on medical criteria) were collected by electronic data capture and telephone interviews. Early ...
The inclusion criteria were: 1—the presence of worsening clinical symptoms within 24 h before admission (milder symptoms might have been present even before, but the patient must have experienced a significant worsening within the previous 24 h), 2—the diagnosis of a pathology of the pituitary...
of clinical variables that were helpful, including gender, age, symptoms and course (relapsing-remitting vs. progressive) at onset of the disease, degree of recovery from the first relapse, time to a second neurological episode, and the number of relapses in the first 5 years of the disease...