What was the function of this large underground room of Livia’s estate (whether a cool place to rest in summer, a meeting place connected to the baths nearby, or a nymphaeum) is still debated (Mazzoleni et al. 2004; Sauron 2009). Here, on the day of her wedding with Augustus, Liv...
Late flowering clematis…First work out when your clematis flowers. If it has large blooms and flowers in July/Aug then cut it hard back now. If it’s early summer, just lightly trim to tidy and keep to the framework, as these flower on last year’s wood and hard pruning will prevent...
The beardless iris is a genus of 260–300 species of flowering plants with showy flowers. It takes its name from the Greek word for a rainbow, which is also the name for the Greek goddess of the rainbow, Iris. All have an upright form with long, strappy foliage and dense and fibrous ...
Forsythias are a deciduous shrub, meaning they’ll drop their leaves in the fall and winter. If you’re looking for a flowering shrub that fills in quickly, these beauties grow fast—up to 24 inches per year and up to 10 feet for larger varieties. Apart from the uncommon weeping forsythi...
Plant succession ensued, with the removal of open ground weeds from the pollen record, replaced by the pollen of shrubs, from the increased flowering of understorey woodland edge shrubs, from individuals that persisted in the burned area and from those that recolonised the affected area, mainly ...