“Stone tools are allowing them, even at this really early date, to extract a lot of resources from the environment,” Plummer said. “If you can butcher a hippo, you can butcher pretty much anything.” In the past, it was easy to assume that our direct ancestors were the ones usi...
Early Stone AgeTaphonomyBone tool-use by Early Pleistocene hominins is at the centre of debates in human evolution. It is especially the case in South Africa, where 102 bone tools have been described from four Early Stone Age archaeological sites, which have yielded Oldowan and possibly Acheu...
Scientists used robots and replica tools to stress test ancient materials used by hominins. Turns out those old guys knew the best materials for each job.
With increasing genetic testing in various patient cohorts with mild to moderate early-onset osteoporosis it has become evident that more tools are needed also in clinical settings to determine the true significance of the detected rare variants. Evaluation of Osteoporosis Once a diagnosis of osteoporos...
The measured 26Al and 10Be concentrations from T69 stone tools show a clear isochron on a 26Al vs. 10Be plot with one outlier (sample #802; Fig. 2). The isochron burial age is solved iteratively following the procedure described in Erlanger et al. (2012) and Granger (2014). The reg...
Twenty-eight bone tools were recovered in situ from ca. 70 ka year old Middle Stone Age levels at Blombos Cave between 1992 and 2000. These tools are securely provenienced and are the largest collection to come from a single African Middle Stone Age site. Detailed analyses show that tool pr...
The stone transported to archaeological sites within the time range of Homo habilis indicates planned transport of tools or material for tool manufacture to an extent far beyond transport behaviors reported among living apes, even stone hammer-using chimpanzees. Analysis of technological evidence in a ...
Stone tools of the Paleolithic include Acheulean handaxes and cleavers; these suggest that most humans of the earliest period were scavengers rather than hunters. Lower Paleolithic sites are also characterized by the presence of extinct animal types dated to the Early or Middle Pleistocene. Evidence...
Other Stone Age sites have also survived. Skara Brae on Orkney, off the north coast of Scotland, is the best preserved prehistoric village in northern Europe, and has helped archaeologists to understand more about how people lived near the end of the Stone Age. ...
A. Early humans were capable of making complex stone tools. B. Hot springs help explain how human brains got so big. C. Homo erectus were adaptable to tough and complex territories. D. Human brains are highly advanced as shown by their size. 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: In the early ...