amyloidosiscarrierdiagnosishereditaryfollow upminimum criteria for diagnosispredicted age of disease onsettransthyretinDiagnosis in the early stages of hereditary transthyretin (ATTR) amyloidosis is imperative to support timely treatment to prevent or delay disease progression. Genetic testing in the setting of...
amyloidosiscarrierdiagnosishereditaryfollow upminimum criteria for diagnosispredicted age of disease onsettransthyretinDiagnosis in the early stages of hereditary transthyretin (ATTR) amyloidosis is imperative to support timely treatment to prevent or delay disease progression. Genetic testing in the setting of...
Early-onset Alzheimer’s disease (EOAD) is a rare but particularly devastating form of AD. Though notable for its high degree of clinical heterogeneity, EOAD is defined by the same neuropathological hallmarks underlying the more common, late-onset form of AD. In this review, we describe the...
In general, MR relaxometry has been applied for various cardiac applications such as the detection of changes in the microvascular structure in hypo-perfused areas by T2* measurements40,41, or the quantification of the degree of amyloidosis in the myocardium in T1 and T2 parameter maps42. ...
Early-onset Alzheimer’s disease (EOAD) is a rare but particularly devastating form of AD. Though notable for its high degree of clinical heterogeneity, EOAD is defined by the same neuropathological hallmarks underlying the more common, late-onset form o
Dry eyes can be caused by amyloidosis, inflammation (chronic blepharitis or conjunctivitis, pemphigoid, or Stevens-Johnson syndrome), SS, neurologic conditions that impair eyelid or lacrimal gland function, sarcoidosis, toxicity (burns or drugs), and a variety of other conditions (corneal anesthesia,...
LDLR has the highest affinity for ApoE and plays an important role in brain cholesterol metabolism [35]. LDLR is one of the molecules that is involved in the clearance of amyloid proteins in the AD brain [36]. LDLR-deficient mice developed age-dependent cerebral β-amyloidosis. Cao et al....
This method has been widely used to study cellular mechanisms preceding complex pathological conditions [48] such as in models of amyloidosis and Pick disease [49], [50]. Changes in specific metabolites may indicate the onset or the course of specific neurodegenerative processes, therefore measuring...
In addition, alterations in network activities in AD mouse models of amyloidosis are accompanied by an early imbalance in inhibition and excitation, which overall leads to hyperexcitability-induced seizures9,35. Early indicators of AD are crucial for implementing interventions while the brain systems ...
Retinal capillary degeneration and blood-retinal barrier disruption in murine models of Alzheimer’s disease ArticleOpen access23 November 2020 Retinal peri-arteriolar versus peri-venular amyloidosis, hippocampal atrophy, and cognitive impairment: exploratory trial ...