Publication » Early pregnancy loss in patients with ultrasonically diagnosed polycystic ovaries.doi:10.3109/01443618709068503Armar, N. A.Abdulwahid, N. A.L Tan, S.Eshel, A.Mohammed, W.Adams, J.Polson, D.Mason, H.Franks, S.Jacobs, H. S....
Early clinical pregnancy loss rate in poor responder patients does not change compared to age-matched normoresponders. Fertil. Steril. 91, 106-109.Kumbak B, Ulug U, Erzik B, Akbas H, Bahceci M.Early clinical pregnancy loss rate in poor responder patients does not change compared to age-...
Previously called spontaneous abortion, early pregnancy loss (EPL) is the preferred term encompassing threatened abortion, incomplete abortion, complete abortion, and anembryonic pregnancy. EPL has many causes, including chromosomal abnormalities, immunologic and infectious causes, and underlying maternal risk...
otherwise termed as pregnancy loss or miscarriage, can occur at different stages during this process and many different pathophysiological mechanisms may be implicated. Because this is a spectrum of development, defining the individual stages of pregnancy can be quite...
She became pregnant at the ages of 27, 30 and 31 with subsequent pregnancy loss in the 28th, 8th and 10th week of gestation, respectively. Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) developed at the age of 28. During the second year of ovulation induction, at the age of 27, she ...
having sex or having used birth control pills before getting pregnant do not cause early pregnancy loss. Morning sickness does not cause early pregnancy loss. Some women who have had an early pregnancy loss believe that it was caused by a recent fall, b...
The prevalence of early pregnancy loss through miscarriage and medically terminated pregnancy (MTP) is largely unknown due to lack of early registration of pregnancies in most regions, and especially in low- and middle-income countries. Understanding the rates of early pregnancy loss as well as the...
Early pregnancy losses can be divided into miscarriage, ectopic pregnancies and hydatidiform molar pregnancy. Much of the chapter is devoted to miscarriage as it is the area that generally concerns perinatal pathologists more than the other two topics. M
Helping women thusly encompasses assisting women to understand their symptoms, come to terms with the inevitability of the pregnancy loss, and be comfortable with which treatment they choose for the miscarriage.Rana Limbo... R Limbo,PhD,RN,... - 《Mcn the American Journal of Maternal/child Nurs...
Pregnancy is a significant event in a woman's life, and emotional attachment to the pregnancy and developing baby may begin early in the first trimester. For most women, experiencing a first trimester loss is a difficult and vulnerable time. When it occurs, the grief can be as profound as ...