速发相发应( early-phase reaction)和迟发相反响( late-phase reaction) 答案 ABCD 2. ABC 3. ABC 4. ABC 5. ABD 6. ABCD 7. CD 8. ABC 9. ABCD 10. AC 11. AD 12. ABC 二、名词解说:1.速发相发应和迟发相反响:依据I 型变态反响发生的快慢和连续时间的长短区分的两个时相,前者往常在接触变...
In the early pregranulomatous phase of the inflammation, histamine injection into the inflammation locus markedly elevated local vascular permeability, while prostaglandins E 1 and E 2 showed no effect. On the other hand, in the late phase of the inflammation, where permanent granuloma tissue had ...
名词解释速发相反应(early-phasereaction)和迟发相反应(late-phasereaction) 参考答案:根据Ⅰ型变态反应发生的快慢和持续时间的长短划分的两个时相,前者通常在接触变应原数秒钟内发生,可持续数小时,化学介质主要是... 点击查看完整答案 您可能感兴趣的试卷 ...
查看答案更多“速发相反应(early-phasereaction)和迟发相反应(late-phasereaction)”相关的问题 第1题 简述恶性黑素瘤的临床类型及其特点。 请帮忙给出正确答案和分析,谢谢! 点击查看答案 第2题 下列关于性联鱼鳞病正确的是: A、此型最常见 B、仅见于女性 C、男性为携带者,一般不发病 D、掌跖无角化过度 E...
visual development progresses via an early phase of instructive plasticity, when the specific patterns of neural activity shape the specific parameters of the emerging response properties, followed by a late phase of permissive maturation, when sensory-driven activity merely serves to enhance the ...
Fear extinction (30 trials) and extinction retention (10 trials), due to their length, were separated into an early phase (first half of trials) and late phase (second half of trials)44,69,79. If a main effect was detected, groupwise univariate ANOVAs were used to compare each group ...
Theitotichake-offethodevealedheemarkable variationfadiosensitivityfeLaells duringheellycle: phasehowshe greatestadiosensitivitynd late phasehe greatestadioresistance.hisethodarvestsll-phaseells withoundhape,aking it impossibleourtherubdivide-phaseells.ecently,heluorescentbiquitination-basedellycle indicator...
Late-phase nebular spectra and photometry of Type Ib Supernova (SN) 2005bf taken by the Subaru telescope at ~270 and ~310 days since the explosion are pres... K.,Maeda,M.,... - 《Astrophysical Journal》 被引量: 91发表: 2007年 Neutron diffraction study of the orthorhombic low-temperatur...
The spreading of a liquid phase on top of another phase owing to favoured heterotypic interactions between the constituents of the two phases. Epithelial–mesenchymal transition A cellular transition whereby polarized epithelial cells lose adhesion with respect to one another and become independent (mesenc...
速发相反应(early-phasereaction)和迟发相反应(1ate-phasereaction) 查看答案