[名词解释] 速发相反应(early-phasereaction)和迟发相反应(late-phasereaction) 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 根据Ⅰ型变态反应发生的快慢和持续时间的长短划分的两个时相,前者通常在接触变应原数秒钟内发生,可持续数小时,化学介质主要是组胺;后者发生在变应原刺激后6~12小时,可持续数天,化学介质为白三烯、血小板...
速发相发应( early-phase reaction)和迟发相反响( late-phase reaction) 答案 ABCD 2. ABC 3. ABC 4. ABC 5. ABD 6. ABCD 7. CD 8. ABC 9. ABCD 10. AC 11. AD 12. ABC 二、名词解说:1.速发相发应和迟发相反响:依据I 型变态反响发生的快慢和连续时间的长短区分的两个时相,前者往常在接触变...
名词解释速发相反应(early-phasereaction)和迟发相反应(late-phasereaction) 参考答案:根据Ⅰ型变态反应发生的快慢和持续时间的长短划分的两个时相,前者通常在接触变应原数秒钟内发生,可持续数小时,化学介质主要是... 点击查看完整答案 您可能感兴趣的试卷 ...
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[主观题] 速发相反应(early-phasereaction)和迟发相反应(late-phasereaction) 速发相反应(early-phasereaction)和迟发相反应(late-phasereaction)查看答案更多“速发相反应(early-phasereaction)和迟发相反应(late-phasereaction)”相关的问题 第1题 简述恶性黑素瘤的临床类型及其特点。 请帮忙给出正确答案和分析...
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Treatment for metastatic colorectal cancer patients beyond the second line remains challenging, highlighting the need for early phase trials of combination therapies for patients who had disease progression during or following two prior lines of therapy. Leveraging hybrid control design in these trials may...
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更多“速发相反应(early-phasereaction)和迟发相反应(1ate-phasereaction)”相关的问题 第1题 These problems are too complicated to be explained clearly in a few words. 点击查看答案 第2题 “The lnspection Certificate covering this shipment states clearly that the goods were in sound condition ...
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