Second, the effect of the intervention differed between BMI categories (P for interaction = .02 for obesity vs normal; P for interaction = .01 for obesity vs overweight). Specifically, obese participants in the APM group scored on average 10.7 IKDC points (95% CI, 4.7 to 16.8; ...
Despite intense effort, obesity is still rising throughout the world. Links between obesity and cardiovascular diseases are now well established. Most of the cardiovascular changes related to obesity can be followed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or
In this very early stage of MS, the main clinical variables, such as duration, course, and impairment level were poorly correlated with cognitive outcome. On the other hand, the extent of cognitive decline, over and above the degree of physical impairment, proved to be a significant and ...
MRI. Infants had the MRI scan using a dedicated neonatal 3 T MRI system (IMRIS Winnipeg, Canada). Sound levels were measured to be less than 85 dB at the center of the coil. Neonates wore molded earplugs (EarClassic; Aearo, Indianapolis, IN) for further sound attenuation. After feeding,...
MRI scans revealed that the NS group had a higher prevalence of abnormalities in the frontal lobes and/or the temporoparietal junction compared to the Non-NS group (24/25 vs. 13/19, P = 0.032). Conclusions The orienting and alerting functions but not executive function were ...
When comparing EOMCI Aβ( +) and EOMCI Aβ(-) patients’ MRI, differences in the volumes of several brain regions were not discernible. However, multiple neurology proteins demonstrated a clearly polarized correlation with WMH in CSF and pEVs (positive and negative, respectively) in EOMCI ...
oscillometry, or photodiode sensors [177]. The ultrasound-based technique is probably the most accurate but often remains confined to clinical research, like MRI [34]. There are several factors that can affect the accuracy of the results [178]. Indeed, it depends on whether the carotid-...
(DNV): Discontinuous normal voltage (FT): Flat trace (HIE): Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (LR): Likelihood ratio (MRI): Magnetic resonance imaging (MSEG): Modified Sarnat encephalopathy grade (PPV): Positive predictive value (ROC): Receiver operating characteristic ...
MRI and MRS were performed during the first two weeks of hospitalization in patients with no changes in outpatient status and those not receiving pharmacotherapy 8 h before each brain imaging. The study participants were using pharmacotherapy at the time of the study. Both classical neuroleptics ...
Other current techniques also show significant drawbacks, such as the elevated cost of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which hinders its use for early detection purposes, or the need for the patient to take radioactive compounds for the proper generation of the image with positron emission ...