托福阅读真题第170篇EarlyModernlndustrialization(答 案文章最后) EarlyModernIndustrialization Paragraph1:Industrialoutputincreasedsmartlyacrossnearly allofEuropebetween1450and1575.Althoughtradewiththe Americashadsomethingtodowiththis,themaindeterminantsof thisindustrialadvancelaywithinEuropeitself. Paragraph2:Populationgrew...
Early Modern Industrialization determinants = causes hastened = rushed diffusion = dispersal perfected = completed 以上就是新东方在线托福网为你带来的托福阅读:Early Modern Industrialization,更多精彩敬请关注新东方在线托福网。
and sizeable amounts of capital, moved from one region to another. At the same time, new commodities appeared on the market, often broadening and deepening demand. Most were inexpensive
托福阅读真题第 170 篇 EarlyModernlndustrialization (答 案文章最后) Early Modern Industrialization Paragraph 1 : Industrial output increased smartly across nearly all of Europe between 1450 and 1575. Although trade with the Americas had something to do with this, the main determinants of this ...
Early Modern Industrialization Paragraph 1:Industrial output increased smartly across nearly all of Europe between 1450 and 1575. Although trade with the Americas had something to do with this, the main determinants of this industrial advance lay within Europe itself. ...
托福阅读真题第170篇EarlyModernIndustrialization(答案文章最后) Early Modern Industrialization Paragraph 1:Industrial output increased smartly across nearly all of Europe between 1450 and 1575. Although trade with the Americas had something to do with this, the main determinants of this industrial advance ...
Early Modern Industrialization Paragraph 1:Industrial output increased smartly across nearly all of Europe between 1450 and 1575. Although trade with the Americas had something to do with this, the main determinants of this industrial advance lay within Europe itself. ...
【托福模拟测试卷3-2019-8月新卷阅读】小站托福备考平台为广大出国留学考生提供托福社会学 Early Modern Industrialization (近代早期工业化)原题在线解析、译文、答案详解、原文翻译等。小站教育,助力中国学生绽放出国留学梦想。
early modern industrialization【原题命中!!!】 本题句子简化题堪称“死亡”难度,欢迎同学们挑战,答案见文尾: (句子简化题题目) 中国宋朝商业 美洲某个地方特殊的农业方式 美索不达米亚和埃及 猫头鹰辨别方位 一个地方修的路是出于宗教目的 II. 听力部分 Conversation 关于写论文,该写这个人具体的一个领域的成就...
HUGE内部阅读真题9:Early Modern Industrialization Posted on02/01/2019by周, 周杰 我们非常重视与您的通话与会谈。 请在通话或会面前,提前与我们进行预约,以免不周。感谢配合。 SUBSCRIBE「知乎、B站」 @官方知乎@官方-B站@官方小红书 HUGE公众号 – Follow us...