Jurany Sanchez; Cristian Mora; Gener Alejandro Mancilla; Gloria Sanclemente Skin Appendage Disord (2024) https://doi.org/10.1159/000541603 Abstract View articletitled, Responsiveness of the Dermatology Life Quality Index and the Colombian Validated Version of the Skindex-29 in Scarring and Non...
ClementeDepartamentoPazDepartamentoFilgueiraDepartamentoRobertoDepartamentoF.DepartamentoSánchezDepartamentoLuisDepartamentoA.DepartamentoIssolioDepartamentoElisaDepartamentoCurrent Eye ResearchC. Paz Filgueira, R. F. Sa´nchez, L. A. Issolio, and E. M. Colombo, "Straylight and visual quality on early nu- ...
I'm very excited for the 2025 HOF voting. First, Ichiro will be on the ballot. I live in WA, and I was here when he debuted. Sodo Mojo. But the rest of the ballot will be very intriguing as well! Billy Wagner narrowly missed election this year, so there is a chance we could be...
Stone bracelets should be considered as a complex archaeological trans-cultural manifestation related to the spreading of the Neolithic lifestyle across the Mediterranean Sea and in many parts of the European continent.Special Issue: THE EARLY NEOLITHIC OF EUROPE, edited by F. Borrell, I. Clemente,...
Jose M. ConejeroJuan HernandezElena JuradoPedro J. ClementeRoberto RodriguezProceedings of the 21st International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering: Boston (US).July 1-3, 2009
doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.02.043Antonucci, RobertoFrassetto, RobertaVacca, NadiaMura, DanielaLampis, RosannaCastiglia, PaoloSotgiu, GiovanniPiana, AndreaClemente, Maria GraziaElsevier ScienceVaccine
3.4. Distribution of Cases with Normal and Abnormal Variables by Ethnicity and by Sex Assessment of the OMS three global top risk variables of metabolic risks for years of life lost in 2040 (high blood pressure, high BMI, and high fasting plasma glucose) showed no significant ethnicity differenc...