The download of Let's Talk Early Intervention is free of charge. Should you use Let's Talk Early Intervention app to access in-app content, we offer one of the following options: Subscription based plan(s) - a payment will be charged to your credit card through your App Store account. ...
Spanish and English small group intervention with a subset of students 4 times a week. Half of the children who received small group intervention (n = 11) were randomly assigned to also receive the caregiver-implemented FEAs in Spanish in addition to classroom dual language instruction. In ...
Early InterventionCommunication DisordersPresents an article on the important role of speech-language pathologists (SLP) in the speech therapy of children. Importance of the philosophy of family centeredne...
Hearts for Hearing: Creating Life-Changing Opportunities through Early InterventionThere have never been more opportunities available for children born deaf or hard of hearing to develop listening, literacy and spoken language skills equal to their peers with typical hearing.Teresa H. PhD...
(sAchuogouls.tWanhdileShthaenoahuatcno2m0e0s6)o.f the intervention could not demon- stratSeevsiegrnailfifcaacntot rims cpornovtreimbuetnetds dtouethteo dtheecilsaicoknotfoaucsoentarnoliPgraodupap, pit draidthaeprptehaarntomhoarvee trpardoimtiopnteadl apmporodaecrhaeteslytosutecaccehssin...
The aim of this study was to determine the feasibility of a home-based MT protocol as an intervention to support respiratory and bulbar functions in early- and mid-stage ALS. Since this is the first study to examine the role of MT in the physical rehabilitation of pwALS, it has been pri...