regardless of type of intervention, and challenges assumptions that, as an adjunct to other intervention programs, P-ESDM improves child or parent outcomes. Further research is needed to explore the effects of parent-mediated programs.
Individual participants mentioned being referred to a specific child care by an organization such as an intervention program and a subsidy agency. Seven parents indicated that they first looked into nearby ECE programs. Most parents (82%) also went on program tours to meet the teachers and check...
In Parent Child Interaction Therapy, for example, an evidenced-based intervention for young children with emotional and behavioral disorders, parents are instructed during sessions to engage in praise, reflection, imitation, description, and enjoyment in statements to their children. This has the dual ...
We conclude that metabolic profiling has the potential to identify novel biomarkers and molecular signatures of the effects of exposure to many environmental toxicants, and thus improve risk assessment models, ultimately guiding intervention to prevent disease progression. As such, metabolic profiling ...
2010). The strong emphasis on the role of the system also renders parents’ intervention redundant, as becomes clear in Gülden’s answer about the tracking decision being “not theirs to decide.” The third group of students are those who either wanted to or managed to modify their initial ...
As a historian focusing mostly on the eighteenth century, Habib’s research was a learning curve but also challenged me to take ideas of Black thought and agency one step further than his research. I reflect here on how Habib’s work helped me think about gender and race in the early ...
We identified a novel susceptibility locus for early childhood asthma on chromosome 19 near theFUT2gene.FUT2encodes the enzyme fucosyltransferase 2, which determines the ability to secrete the soluble ABO blood group antigens (ABH) in body fluids and express them on mucosal surfaces, including cili...
of Pygmalion’s ivory statue, which required the supernatural wish-granting intervention of Aphrodite to make her human. It also echoes an occasional feature of the Mary icon stories in theCantigas, in which part or whole of her image becomes living flesh through supernatural intervention. ...
Although some studies have demonstrated safety and efficiency of specific immunotherapy for children from 3 years, the European Medicines Agency’s Paediatric Committee does not recommend this therapy before the age of 5 years. Studies for secondary prevention early in life are currently evaluated. ...
One such intervention, the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI), works to protect, promote, and support optimal breastfeeding practices in health facilities that provide maternal and newborn care services through implementation of the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding, including ANC services [...