Hominins are closely related ancestors to humans, who migrated around the world from Africa. Until now, evidence had suggested they had ventured into Europe by 1.8 million years ago, but researchers have now been able to prove they were present in Europe around 200,00 years before then, after...
New York museum showcases oldest fossils of early humans found in Europe
Ecological niches, technological developments and physical adaptations of early humans in Europe: the handaxe-heidelbergensis hypothesis F. Coward, R.T. Hosfield, M. Pope, F.F. Wenban-Smith (Eds.), Settlement, Society and Cognition in Human Evolution: Landscapes in Mind, Cambridge University Pre...
Fumane cave and Protoaurignacian, Early Aurignacian and Initial Upper Palaeolithic sites in Europe: (2) Bombrini; (3) Mochi; (4) Serino; (5) La Fabbrica; (6) Castelcivita; (7) La Cala; (8) Willendorf II; (9) Geißenklösterle; (10) Hohle Fels; (11) Wildscheuer; (12) Obser...
Deposits in the lower portion of the site contained a large number of animal bones, stone tools, pendants, and even human fossils and formed the basis of the climatic study to investigate the environmental conditions that humans experienced when they first spread into Southeast Europe from the ...
When early humans arrived in Europe around 45,000 years ago, they found Neanderthals (尼安德特人) already there. The interbreeding (杂交繁殖) between Homo sapiens (智人) and Neanderthals happened more often than scientists had assumed. That’s the conclusion of two new studies. ...
Wet weather put early humans on Europe's doorstep 来自 学术范 喜欢 0 阅读量: 18 作者:Hecht,Jeff 摘要: Trees and shrubs grew in the Sahara between 120,000 and 45,000 years ago, suggesting wet spells may have helped early humans cross the desert on their out-of-Africa migration...
Molecular dating has revealed that an area in Ukraine was occupied by humans 1.4 million years ago, making it one of the oldest hominin sites in Europe and possibly the oldest. The site, at Korolevo in western Ukraine, has been studied since the 1970s. A large number of sto...
"If there is one other species out there that shared the world with 'modern humans' in Africa, it is very likely there are others. We just need to find them." Further excavation of the cave system is planned, an undertaking that requires excavators who can squeeze through passages as narr...
“Everybody agrees, Solutrean-age humans were incredibly innovative,” says Bradley. “They lived in a relatively harsh environment [during the Last Glacial Maximum], but also started looking toward the ocean. We’re starting to see the beginnings in Western Europe of maritime adaptations—looking...