Mary in the Šḥimo 325 Jacob of Serugh, on the other hand, seem to be more significant.4 Faithful in general to the tradition of the Syriac Fathers, these texts make great use of typology. In this paper, I suggest to study three texts of the Šḥimo containing different Old ...
’ The realism of his theology comes to light in the argument, based on the intimate relation of body and soul, that just as in baptism the body is washed with water so that the soul may be cleansed, so in the Eucharist ‘the flesh feeds upon Christ’s body and blood so that the ...
I agree with Wakefield and Louth: the spirituality of the Fathers is quite a different thing from much of what passes as "spirituality" in our day. This leads to one final point concerning our study of Clement: the discussion about Christian mysticism or spirituality, certainly everything said...
Unfortunately there are many web sites where you can find all kinds of misleading information on the early church. The early church fathers are not easy to read or understand - not easy to read because they tend to be verbose - they are known to drone on and on. They can be difficult ...
Philo of Alexandria, the first century Jewish sage, philosopher, and exegete, perhaps known most famously in Christian circles as the great allegorizer of Israel’s scripture whose methods were taken up by the Alexandrian fathers of the church, has an important description of the ethics of the...
Notice that the same Fathers who declare the normative necessity of being Catholic also declare the possibility of salvation for some who are not Catholics. These can be saved by what later came to be known as “baptism of blood” or ” baptism of desire” (for more on this subject, see...
Likewise, Harry Maier has also described the care of the self in Clement of Alexandria in an article that points out the way in which Clement reinterprets the care of the self as renunciation of one’s sinful flesh in a process beginning with baptism and mediated from that point on by ...
-water baptism -wine in ancient world -fathers on NT Revelation -fathers on holiness -fathers on the military -apostolic succession -palestine or israel? -candles in church -pagan influences -constantine-Sun worship -constantine vs donatists ...
. . may be supposed to have had its origin in apostolic tradition, just as there are many things which are observed by the whole Church, and therefore are fairly held to have been enjoined by the apostles, which yet are not mentioned in their writings” (On Baptism, Against the ...