The ancient genomes fall onto a slightly separate cline, with most of the early medieval individuals from Dutch, German and Danish sites plotting on top of present-day continental northern Europeans (CNEs; northern Germans and Danish), whereas Bronze and Iron Age individuals from Britain and ...
For instance, many villae were abandoned or re-structured into smaller settlements, urban centres declined (Schwarz 2011; Berger 2012), and Germanic people and influences arrived from the North, when Franks and Alamanni crossed the river Rhine (Marti 2000, 2008, 2009). From the 4th century onw...
They probably reached the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador (now in northeastern Canada). Modern archaeologists have found evidence of Viking settlements there from about Leif’s time. The expedition continued southward, reaching a warmer wooded land where “wine berries,” or grapes, grew. They ...
the names of Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Hampshire. The Colonial America in general New York and New Jersey were first colonized by the Dutch. Delaware was founded by the Swedish. Pennsylvania was founded by another group of English Protestants called Quakers. The territory of...
Animals in Roman times in the Dutch eastern river area. Nederlandse Oudheden 12. Project Oostelijk Rivierengebied 1, Amersfoort. Lepetz S,( 1996). Effets de la romanisation sur l’e´levage et la diète carnée dans les établissements ruraux du nord de la Gaule. L’exemple de l’...
What White referred to in the title of his book, The Roots of Dependency, was a cultural and geographical space created as a result of ferocious internecine native warfare in the 1640s–1660s, the so-called Beaver Wars, when Iroquois warriors, armed by Dutch traders in New Netherland, ...
Most of the leading traders in Sudan established zariba-s, trading settlements initially fortified by encirclements of thorn bushes and later by earth berms and timber. The traders deployed thousands of armed men, many of them bazinqir-s, former slaves who were allowed a share of the profits ...
Roman senator and historian Tacitus (ca. 58–ca. 120) described Germania in the first century as densely forested, marshy and backward, non-Roman central Europe had been a settled, cultivated and managed landscape for a considerable time. Logging near settlements, slash-and-burn deforestation, ar...
His methods focused on contextualizing sites and settlements in theirsurroundings in order to understand the continuities of traditions. He was alsoamong the earliest scholars to have brought into use literary sources that had beendisregarded earlier because of their religious content and lack of facts...
The Patagonian coasts were mapped and explored by Magellan in 1520 and Thomas Cavendish in 1586, but no settlements managed to survive the harshness of the local climate. Hence, systematic land-based weather observations in the region began late as European migrations started to settle the region ...