s persecution to receive a neutral press in Christian sources written after the eventual victory of their religion in the empire, and indeed it usually does not, because apart from anything else it has historically been an excellent period in which to situate the careers of martyrs whose lives ...
The following textual genres that can shed light on the understanding of martyrdom have survived: (1) translations of European hagiographic accounts of martyrs, and of teachings about martyrdom (1591; 1593–1595), (2) undated booklets in Japanese to be used as guides to martyrdom (before 1615)...
The Acta were read in the Christian communities for the glory of the Martyr in order to strengthen others in the moment of their ordeal. We can therefore assume that the reports of the trial of the other martyrs just cited were written in much the same way. Carthage, 14th September 258....
The Christian Martyrs’ Last Prayer (1883), by Jean-Léon Gérôme, my favorite Orientalist painter. It truly captures the drama and the agony of the first Christian persecutions, and yet the peace before God. And from the Church’s crisis, these manylapsilonging desperately to return to ...
After seeing Christian martyrs risk their lives for the sake of Christianity, many Romans were compelled and attracted to the faith. Also, there were Apostles who traveled around the empire spreading the message of Christianity. Then in 312 CE, Emperor Constantine proposed the Edict of Milan that...
one amassed the manifestation of saints in one’s palace: indeed,I was quite surprised to find all Barberini dwellings were positively stacked with reliquaries holding bits and pieces of a great many martyrs and saints. But precisely these relics often came from the same ‘subterranean Rome...
agree that the pagan people received him with much hostility. One of the two accounts martyrs him in Ireland; the other says that he did not wish to spend time in a country not his own, and so crossed over to Britain to journey homewards by land, but ...
The variety of euphemistic terms, superheroes, essential workers, martyrs to a cause, does not begin to address the severity of the work performed by nurses at all levels, from bedside licensed vocational nurses, through nursing administrators attempting to keep a clinic or hospital staffed. A ...
58Such perception could have been subject to a certain degree ofambiguity, because of the prominent role of the Colossus as a“Pagan”pivotal pointin the hagiographic account of the Roman martyrs Abdon and Sennen, both of themput on trial before it.59Yet, this negative interpretation of the ...