Advancing equitable access to high quality early childhood education through a trauma- and resilience-informed community schools approach Patricia Z. Tan, Hilary Aralis, Roya Ijadi-Maghsoodi, Evelyn Wang, ... Blair Paley 4th Quarter 2024
Free Essay: The nature of early childhood adversity and trauma can be emotional, physical or sexual, with sexual abuse being the most commonly identified...
Early childhood special educationTrauma-informed careYoung children experience traumatic events at high rates. Early childhood special education programs are an optimal time for implementing trauma-informed care. Minimal research has been done to understand early childhood special education teachers' attitudes...
Infants, toddlers and preschoolers are a high risk group for exposure to trauma. Young children are also vulnerable to experiencing adverse outcomes as they are undergoing a rapid developmental period, have limited coping skills and are strongly dependent on their primary caregiver to protect them phy...
Four empirical literatures are reviewed to develop an understanding of the cognitive, behavioral, and social sequelae of early trauma and parental loss: (1) research on childhood trauma symptoms in the verbal period; (2) research on child and parent attachment security and the parent-child ...
Aim: Drawing from the literature, this study examined life events that disrupt the first attachment relationship and proposed that early behavioural difficulties in children are the result of the stress and trauma consequently experienced. Method: A Life Events Checklist was designed and used as a ...
The Childhood to Prison Pipeline: Early Childhood Trauma as Reported by a Prison Population 喜欢 0 阅读量: 23 作者: Stensrud, Robert H.,Gilbride, Dennis D.,Bruinekool, Robert M. 摘要: This article is an autobiographical case study of the experiential benefits of using language arts as a ...
Childhood trauma should not be equated with simply having had an imperfect or flawed childhood. Myths About Different Types of Trauma Myth 1: Developmental trauma is the same as childhood trauma.Developmental trauma (DT) is often mistakenly equated with childhood trauma (CHT),...
Three of the most well-supported and widely disseminated EBTs for early childhood trauma are Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, and Child-Parent Psychotherapy. Increasingly, clinicians are receiving training in more than one EBT. This paper provides an ...
The role of childhood trauma in bipolar disorders Childhood trauma leads to alterations of affect regulation, impulse control, and cognitive functioning that might decrease the ability to cope with later ... M Aas,C Henry,OA Andreassen,... - 《International Journal of Bipolar Disorders》 被引量...