近日,从浙江大学计算机学院官微上获悉,长兴中学2005届校友夏鑫博士获得2022年的ACM SIGSOFT Early Career Researcher Award(https:// www.sigsoft.org/awards/earlyCareerResearcherAward.html),该奖项每年从全球软件工程方向的青年学者中评选出一位杰...
The Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) 是澳大利亚研委员会Australia Reseach Council(ARC)设立的“发现早期职业生涯研究员奖”DECRA是在2010年2月设立的,目的是为职涯早期的研究人员提供更多的关注和支持,给他们在教学和研究两方面创造更多的机会。
discovery early career researcher award申请模板 尊敬的评审委员会: 我写此信是为了申请Discovery早期职业研究员奖(Discovery Early Career Researcher Award)。我是一名对研究充满热情,并希望能为科学界做出贡献的早期职业研究员。 首先,我想简要介绍一下我的研究背景和学术成果。我在XX大学获得了我的硕士学位,并于...
Professor Wins Best Early Career Researcher AwardINSIDE AICPA
通过申请Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA),我希望能够获得资金和支持,实现我在(问题)研究方面的目标并推动该领域的发展。我相信我的团队和我自己的经验和研究能力能够胜任这项研究任务,并为学术界和实际应用领域做出重要贡献。我非常重视这个机会,并会全力以赴地开展相关研究工作。 谢谢您的关注和审阅,...
The award, sponsored by the AICPA and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants on behalf of the Chartered Global Management Accountant (CGMA) designation, recognizes the best overall body of research in management accounting and includes a $2,000 grant. The CGMA designation recognizes academic...
discovery early career researcher award 申请模板 申请DiscoveryEarlyCareerResearcherAward(DECRA)需要提交一份详细的研究提案,以下是可能包含的模板内容: 1.项目标题 2.研究背景和问题陈述:简要介绍相关领域的背景和研究现状,并明确本研究的核心问题和科学意义。 3.研究目标和研究问题:明确本研究的具体目标和...
I am writing to submit my application for the Discovery Early Career Researcher Award. I am incredibly excited to have the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in my field and make a meaningful impact through my research. I am currently a [current position/title] at [...
discovery early career researcher award申请模板-回复 Application for the Discovery Early Career Researcher Award Introduction: I am writing to apply for the Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) to further my research and contribute significantlyto my field of study. This prestigious award ...
Impact Paper Award: Using task context to improve programmer productivity by Mik Kirsten and Gail Murphy (published at FSE 2006) “for pioneering the concept of a task context, which has improved software practice and inspired new research.” Early Career Researcher Award: Xin Xia (Huawei) “for...