Early American Map of Postal Road Between Boston and New York City In the early American colonies, there was no organized postal service until the late 17th century, and even then it operated much differently than it does today. Before this time, the Americans relied on friends, merchants, an...
John Paul Jones – Greatest Revolutionary Naval Commander James E. Oglethorpe – Father of Georgia Privateers in the American RevolutionCaptain John Smith – Settling the First Colony George Washington – Father of our Country Map of the Thirteen Colonies, 1776. Show Your Support...
Quinn, David B. “Colonies in the Beginning: Examples from North America.”Essays on the History of North American Discovery and Exploration. Eds. Stanley H. Palmer y Dennis Reinhartz. College Station: Texas A&M Press for the University of Texas at Arlington, 1988. 10-34. Impreso. Ribero,...
Origin of the American Indians, By John Ranking, Esq. These ruins are situated on a plain, named Palenque, in the province of Ciudad Real de Chiapa, near the borders of Guatemala and Yucatan, in north latitude, by Robertson's map, 17 degrees 30 minutes. A description of this ancient ...
Colonies, outposts, and influence, reflected by the presence of southern material culture and distinctive architecture, appeared in the Zagros Mountains to the east, across northern Iraq and northern Syria, and up the Euphrates River into Turkey. The initial model for this southern expansion ...
was a Brish army officer who died in World War I. He was a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and a first class big game hunter. After the Boer War, he was selected as Winston Churchill's escort when he went to British East Africa as Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies. ...
Charles Mathieu Isidore Decaen (1769–1832), named by Napoleon governor ‘de nos colonies dans l’Océan Indien.’ According to Gaffarel (1908: 310), ‘Les instructions du Premier Consul étaient d’ailleurs très nettes. Decaen se savait appelé à un poste de combat, et il était résol...
The purpose of this post is to give a brief background on each of the 13 colonies. (1607) Virginia Chesapeake Colonies Based … Timeline of Colonization of North America 1000 A.D. – Leif Ericson, a Viking seaman, explores the east coast of North America and sights Newfoundland, establishin...
Further bee matrices, like adult bees and larvae, should be included in residue analysis to achieve a more realistic exposure estimation of the honey bee colonies during the season and their related potentially harmful impact(s) on colony health....
美洲地理大发现 early exploration TheDiscoveryoftheAmericas ExplorersandtheAgeofExploration TheAgeofExplorationoccurredfromtheearly15thtotheearly17thCenturyEuropeanshipstraveledaroundtheworldtosearchfornewtradingroutesandpartnerstofeedburgeoningcapitalisminEuropeTheAgeofExplorationwasrootedinnew...