Decision Dates for Top Universities UniversitiesEarly Action 1Early Decision 1Regular Decision Date Harvard UniversityDecember 16March-end Stanford UniversityDecember 15April 1 Yale UniversityDecember 15April 1 Cornell UniversityDecember 13mid-Decemberearly-April ...
Early Decision Notification Dates 2023-2024 for the Top 50 National Universities SchoolEarly Action/Early Decision Notification Date Princeton UniversityMid-December Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyDecember 16; 12pm ET Harvard UniversityMid-December Stanford UniversityMid-December Yale UniversityDecember 14;...
College Decision Dates 2023-2024 Trending Discussions in the CC Community Join the Conversation Official Early Action / Early Decision Thread for Fall 2024 Applicants Is There a Downside to Applying Early Action to Multiple Colleges? Find Your School - Connect with Future Classmates ...
After weeks of waiting, the Class of 2028 acceptance rates for Early Action and Early Decision are finally rolling in! As colleges and universities release their data, Command Education has you covered with live updates. All of the information in the following table has been sourced directly ...
Early decision and early action are two distinct methods by which you can submit an early college application. Keeping up with due dates and deadlines throughout the college application process can be a little overwhelming. Not only do application deadlines vary from school to school, but many ...
For a college, there are few if any negative consequences in having an early decision program. However, for applicants, early decision is not as attractive as early action for several reasons: Early decision is binding. If admitted, a student must attend the school or else lose a sizable enr...
re looking for the release dates for specific schools, here are the early action andearlydecision notification datesat the top 50 national universities and liberal arts colleges for the Class of 2024. While we may not know the specific dates for many schools now, we will continue to update ...
You may apply early to any international institution, as long as the decision is nonbinding. You may apply early to any college or university with a nonbinding rolling admission process. ...
Early action can be a great option if you've done your college research and have prepared all the different parts of your application by the November deadline. Data shows thata greater percentage of early action candidates get accepted than regular decision candidates. However, this higher admissi...
To recap, here's what your schedule might look likeif you're applying Early Decision I: Step 1: Take the SAT or ACT early so you have enough available test dates to retake it, if desired.You might take the test first in the spring of sophomore year, again in the fall of junior ye...