“How do you know about Chris Whitley??” I was kind of shocked. She said, “I like a lot of the new music that’s being played these days and I go to the Village to check out new artists. Chris is one of my favorites—he’s really good!” ...
As someone who was not around in New York in the mid and late ’70s, there’s this sense of an incredible creative foment that was happening in music and art and theater. Did you have the sense that there was something really special happening? Byrne: There was a lot going on. We ...
Early Electronic Music 1970: When Wendy Was Walter Shortly before successful composer Walter Carlos enacted a major life-change, he appeared in this advert for Dolby noise-reduction hardware. Tagsdolby,electronic music pioneers Categories Early Electronic Music ...
Even though reggae’s influence on popular music had already been felt in the early ‘70s, the genre expanded its mainstream reach when Bob Marley released his ‘Exodus’ album in June 1977. The LP was the singer’s first release since an assassin’s attempt on his life in December 1976....
In the 15thcentury, at the beginning of therenaissance, musical norms were rapidly changing. The vielle was still being played, but was past its dominance of musical culture. The discarding of the quill byluteplayers, spreading gradually from the 1470s to the 1530s, meant that a single playe...
We here at Best Classic Bands may spend most of our time remembering—and writing about—our ’60s/’70s heroes; that, after all, is when most of the “best classic” music we lived for was made. But we can’t deny that we never put our fingers in our ears when certain hits of ...
Dave Grohl and a host of others just feel like part of the band in what comes across as a classic old school rock album. There’s nods to ‘70s glam, layered vocals and even some early ‘80s synthy stuff, but it all works as a joyous gem. Highlights include the Cars-ish opener “...
” By the end of the ’60s, Aretha had earned the moniker, “Queen of Soul” and she would live up to it. She continued making hits into the ’70s, most notably, 1973’s “Until You Come Back To Me (That’s What I’m Gonna Do).” The song was a number one hit on the R&...
vintage vinyl of early electronic/electroacoustic, avant garde, minimalist, microtonal, and 20th century classical music, with frequent detours into free jazz, artists records, poetry/spoken word, breaks/turntablism, ethnomusicology, space age pop, sound
had equal size keys and used precisely this angled key-stem method. The second is thatOpusculum de monochordo, c. 1470s, a treatise by German music theorist Conrad von Zabern, explained the construction and use of a keyed monochord (single-string keyboard) with equal size keys, just as ...