s literature and that he find an artistic means to communicate with children through literature. During the same years, the outstanding educator K. D. Ushinskii wrote short stories especially adapted for children. In the 19th and early 20th century N. A. Nekrasov, A. N. Pleshcheev, A. ...
PartOneTheMiddleAgesPartTwoTheEnglishRenaissancePartThreeTheRestorationPartFourTheAgeofRomanticismPartFiveTheVictorianAgePartSixThe20th-CenturyLiterature EarlyEnglishLiteratureBeowulfThenationalepicLinesThefirstlongpoeminEnglishCharacter ThreeepisodesrelatedinthecareerofBeowulf 1.Thefightwiththemonster,...
The English Renaissance Part Three The Restoration Part Four The Age of Romanticism Part Five The Victorian Age Part Six The 20th-Century Literature Early English Literature Beowulf The national epic Lines The first long poem in English Character Three episodes related in the career of Beowulf 1. ...
When Literature Became Knowledge : English Encyclopaedic Writings on Chinese Literature from the Late 18th to the Early 20th CenturyWith the development of British Sinology in the 19th century, a body of relatively comprehensive knowledge about Chinese literature became available to general English-...
(3) The realistic novels in the early 20th century occupied an important position in English literature, though the exposing and criticizing power had been weakened.反馈 收藏
1.This paper focuses on the translation and introduction of American early novels (between the late 18th and the early 20th century) in China, recapitulating the first translated novel Uncle Tom s Cabin and the most introduced novelist Mark Twain, analyzing some existing problems in this field....
In the second half of the 20th century and under the pressures of feminism and the academic interest in the role of popular literature in culture, an expansion of writing about and publishing of 19th-century British detective fiction resulted. In particular, there was a “re...
CharlesDickensisagreatwriterinthe___.A.VictorianAgeB.RenaissanceC.RomanticperiodD.20thcenturyA 2.Fillintheblanks.(1)___istherepresentativeBeowulfworksintheAnglo-SaxonLiterature.(2)___isthecentralHumanismthemeoftheEnglishRenaissance.3.Saytrueorfalse.(1)F Beowulf...
VII.The20thcentury(1901-) 1.twoworldwars 2.modernism 3.psychologicalfictionandstreamof consciousness a.D.H.Lawrence b.JamesJoyce c.VirginiaWoolf 4.poetry Lectureone: EarlyandMedievalEnglishLiterature 1.TheearlyinhabitantsinEngland(today)wereBritons,atribeofCelts,whichwasprimitivepeople,livingintribalsociet...
University of Qatar, Qatar John Garrett (Associate Professor of English) Copyright information © 1986 John Garrett About this chapter Cite this chapter Garrett, J. (1986). The Early 20th Century: T. S. Eliot. In: British Poetry Since the Sixteenth Century. Palgrave Macmillan, London. https...