Movies & TV7 MTV Reality Shows You Totally Forgot Existed RIP "The Ashlee Simpson Show". By Samantha LealPublished: Mar 8, 2016MTV The early aughts were some weird years. Low-rise jeans, original selfies (AKA Myspace bathroom pics), and velour were big, and while lounging in your Juicy...
MORE: Kim Kardashian West reacts to Trump backlash on 'The View' Like Hilton, Kardashian also had a sex tape leaked. She then went on to star in a reality show, "Keeping Up with the Kardashians," with her family. “Reality TV, if you utilized it properly, it was a 30-minute ...
In the early 2000s, numerous TV shows were very popular with viewers. Some of them, such as “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” or “The Weakest Link,” have become a real cultural phenomenon. In this article, we will discuss the most famous television shows of the early 2000s, which ...
The Sex Factordoesn't feel innovative: if anything, it feels stuck in the early aughts — both in terms of what porn and reality shows it's channeling. In addition to the played-outBig Brothervibe, the cast is mostly white, the male performers more gawky and awkward than suave studs ...
Back in the early 2000s, lots of people couldn’t have imagined life without alarm clocks, CD players, calendars, cameras, or lots of other devices. But along came the iPhone and other smartphones, and they took over the functions of dozens of things we used to think were essential. The...
Make-over television shows became one of the defining genres of early twenty-first century television across the Western world. From their small beginnings in 15-minute slots on daytime TV in the late 1990s, by the end of the first decade of the twenty-f
Pop culture icons like Britney Spears and N'Sync dominated the music scene, while reality TV shows like MTV's The Osbournes and The Simple Life with Paris Hilton became popular among young audiences. Additionally, the legalization of same-sex marriage in various countries, including the ...
to me it really started with blogging in the early 2000s. you started to have these sites that were oriented around a single person’s point of view. it suddenly became possible to imagine, oh, maybe there’s another element here that the web could also be organized aro...
Early 2000s Child Stars You Wouldn't Recognize TodayBy Christine Liwag DixonUpdated: Jan. 2, 2022 8:01 pm EST Getty Images Child stars get a bad rap. Once they're no longer small and cute, many of them have a hard time holding onto their careers and often fade into obscurity. ...
Almost reality television turned documentary, the nearly four-minute “There’s Nothing You Can Do” finds the brothers in peak form. Filmed on a New York City bus, the short stars Benny Safdie, as many of their other films do, as he gets into a yelling match with a woman holding a ...