Before the minimalistic iPhone design dominated the scene, cell phones like the RAZR, Sidekick, and Blackberry were the must-have accessory
Backpack Journalism: Observations on Digital Media's Effect on Arts Journalism & Criticism in the U.S. New Media Journalists tote backpacks loaded with a video cameras, laptops, audio recorders, digital cameras, iPods, and cell phones, ready and able to repo... J Keller - 《Arts Collection...
Oof. Don't do this. It might get you a slight bump in engagement temporarily, and it may get a couple of feet in the door, but I promise you it is a "penny rich, dollar poor" tactic. If you come across as pathetic, begging people to save you, people will think there's somethin...
Back in the early 2000s, lots of people couldn’t have imagined life without alarm clocks, CD players, calendars, cameras, or lots of other devices. But along came the iPhone and other smartphones, and they took over the functions of dozens of things we used to think were essential. The...
Statistically significant correlations are shown in bold (p < 0.01). Table 2. Multinomial Logistic Regression Analysis Comparing Pairwise Latent Classes one, two and three (N= 1153). Empty Cell Empty CellEstimateSEpOdds Ratio LC2 vs. LC1a ESCS 0.94 0.17 0.00 2.57 Gender (Male) −0.49 0.30...
b, ROC curves of the AIS system with Android smartphones. c, Performance of the AIS system in the across-smartphone analysis. VI, visual impairment; NI, nonimpairment; ROC curve, receiver operating characteristic curve; AIS, Apollo Infant Sight. Supplementary information Supplementary Information ...
et al. Clinicopathologic and molecular features of sporadic early-onset colorectal adenocarcinoma: an adenocarcinoma with frequent signet ring cell differentiation, rectal and sigmoid involvement, and adverse morphologic features. Mod. Pathol. 25, 1128–1139 (2012). PubMed Google Scholar Kirzin, S. ...
“It’s not just Wi-Fi, a lot of our parents don’t even have cellphones. For example, you have a grandmother – she is the only one with a cellphone. Then I have my Grade R learner, my one parent, her husband lost his job – then young mother, she had a stroke – she was...
Empty CellN (%) or mean (SD) Age (years) (mean, SD) 43.6 (11.05) Gender Male 1 (2.2) Female 44 (97.8) Education Level Less than high school 4 (9.3) High school diploma/GED 5 (11.6) Some college 9 (20.9) Associate's degree 8 (18.6) Bachelor's degree 15 (34.9) Graduate ...
It should, however, be noted that conducting AT at higher frame rates results in acquisition of more data and require more computing power, which can become problematic if data analyses are to be carried out by personal portable devices like cellphones. Utilizing real-time lock-in processing ...