aThis is not the first recession that has triggered a crisis of masculinity in America. After the recession in the early 1990s, Susan Faludi wrote “Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man”, which lamented that men were underworked, underachieving and undersupported. This time the story ...
This and the next four chapters present historical evidence for the validity of Austrian business cycle theory (ABCT). I start with an analysis of the deep recession of the early 1980s.1This recession provides the best illustration in recent history of the causes of the business cycle. It doe...
Young Architects Profiles SIX WHO WEATHERED THE NATIONAL RECESSION OF THE EARLY 1990s ARE FARING VERProfiles a six architects from the United States focusing on their careers. Names of the architects; Detailed information on their careers.Lee D. Mitgang...
"...People trying to understand the Great Recession often look back to the Great Depression. Nevertheless, because the economy of the 1930s was self-contained, its dynamics are unlike those of the contemporary economy... A better way to understand the Great Recession is to ...
A view of the economic crisis and the Federal Reserve's response It’s often the case that growth in the first year after a recession is very rapid. That’s what happened as we came out of a very deep downturn in the early 1980s. Although I sincerely wish we would repeat that perform...
It is argued that the welfare reform of the 1990s has removed much of the safety net of public assistance for poor children and that the increasing unemployment in the current recession poses new challenges for them. The report maintains that postponing a debate about how to reduce young child...
The need to understand the balance between medical and economic controls in containing an outbreak is essential. (Bavli et al.2020) The adverse medical and societal aspects associated with an economic recession are considerable and hard to quantify. The COVID-19 pandemic, for example had a greate...
But there's another way of looking at the trade data. Over the past two years, the figures on imports and exports seem not to signal a double-dip recession – a renewed decline in the broad level of economic activity in the United States – but an economic expansion. ...
they appear to have been the least educated and the least skilled of any legal immigrants to the United States in recent history. Their hardships were increased by their time of arrival: 1980 was a year of high inflation rates, and 1981 to 1983 saw the most severe economic recession of the...
It is widely acknowledged that austerity measures in the wake of the global financial crisis are starting to undermine population health results. Yet, few research studies have focused on the ways in which the financial crisis and the ensuing ‘Great Recession’ have affected health equity, especial...