probably dating to the first century; that the portrait in the Orpheus Cubiculum could well be the work of an artist who had seen Christ or worked from a description by someone who had; that the features of the man in this profile "closely match those of the Man on the Shroud. ..."...
In the context of Poland–Lithuania prior to the so-called partitions (rozbiory) of the late eighteenth century (for which they were also blamed by not a few—Czy jezuici zgubili Polskę? [Did the Jesuits lose Poland?]),3 the Society of Jesus spawned antipathies for a variety of ...
The two set out together; the Doctor on the way entertaining his companion with the history of his book, which, if the genuine book he thought it to be, from the description he had heard of it, was in the handwriting of Abraham himself, and had been in the possession of personages ...
life are graves and hospital beds, and that’s a very true statement. The question is, how to live your life in the meantime. The answer, I believe, is to live a life wholly given over to the things of the Lord Jesus Christ, a life lived for the furtherance of the gospel. That ...
DESCRIPTION offload ETF achieves that by buffering packets until a configurable time before their transmission time (i.e. txtime, or deadline), which can be configured through thedeltaoption. The qdisc uses a rb-tree internally so packets are always 'ordered' by their txtime and will be dequeu...