The meaning of ear ear 5 definitions of the word ear. Noun The sense organ for hearing and equilibrium Good hearing The externally visible cartilaginous structure of the external ear Attention to what is said Fruiting spike of a cereal plant especially corn ...
, "gang rape" -- something that presumably neither the Buddha or a Cakravartin would have anything to do with. Katy Perry's Sanskrit Tattoo This all might remind us that "multi-cultural" education usually pays no attention to the real language, literature, or history of other cultures. Its...
Many storm chasers set up shop across the country racing to start up a new LLC. During the storm season they rampage cities that have suffered great damage. These storm chasers usually know nothing aboutroofingand don’t even have any interest to learn. They rape insurance companies and travel...
It’s time we here at WGT tackled another King Pick. This time Lord Hans has decreed we watch and discuss the 2014 horror/comedy Giallo spoof, THE EDITOR. The film is courtesy of those wacky and wild haomies from the North (meaning Canada), Astron-6. ...