worst council tax team on earth, keep sending me letters even after i made my payments + on my previous payments added extra charge. i really think whoever is in charge of this team should be fired ASAP.Also please refrain from sending threatening letters because you are in the wrong, may...
2 1.OverviewofMarketingandCommunicationsProvisionForYoungPeople 1.2.TheCouncilhasadedicated,corporateteamofprofessionalstoprovideafull servicemarketingandcommunicationfunctiontoallCouncildepartments.The teamcomprisesofthreedistinctareas: Communications:Mediarelations,webcontentmanagement,internal/ corporatecommunicationsand...
Does Ealing council think The Traffic Management Act 2004, supercede common law? If not, then who is being held liable for incorporating unlawful policies? Have the relevant bodies been reported? and what is being done to change these unlawful policies?