关于“鹰罕见17年纯波本威士忌(Eagle Rare 17 Years Old Straight Bourbon Whiskey, Kentucky, USA) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自美国肯塔基州产区的波本威士忌。这款酒散发着杏仁、烟盒和肉桂的香气,入口带有皮革、香草和烟草的风味,余味伴有皮革和太妃糖的气息。
2016 Best Bourbon, 10-17 Years (Multiple Barrels) Jim Murray’s Whisky Bible Double Eagle Very Rare Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey This very limited 20-year-old bourbon whiskey lives up to its name, maturing twice as long as our standard Eagle Rare 10-year-old bourbon and featuring two ...
Eagle Rare 10-Year-Old Eagle Rare 17-Year-Old Double Eagle Very Rare Eagle Rare Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is masterfully crafted and carefully aged for no less than ten years. The rareness of this great breed of bourbon is evident in its complex aromas and smooth, lingering taste. ...
Common Eagle Rare Bourbon Prices Bottle Type Size Alcohol Proof Average Price Eagle Rare 10 Year Single Barrel Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750 ml 90 Around $35.99 Eagle Rare 17-Year-Old Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 750 ml 111 Around $2,065.99 Eagle Rare ‘Double Eagle Very Rare’ 20...
水牛足迹是美国最古老的波本威士忌(Bourbon Whisky)蒸馏厂之一,拥有200多年的酿酒经验。水牛足迹严格把控从挑选威士忌原料到陈酿威士忌的整个过程,致力于酿造举世无双的波本威士忌。水牛足迹生产威士忌所用的玉米、大麦和黑麦等原料均由人工采收于当地或印度的农场,之后,蒸馏厂会对这批原料进行严格筛选,直至选出湿度和质量...
Eagle Rare 17 Year Old Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey USA ¥15870 91 / 100 Eagle Rare 'Double Eagle Very Rare' 20 Year Old Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey USA ¥64074 Eagle Rare 25 Year Old Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey USA ¥243772 Advertisement One of our sponsors is:...
DEVR中每款酒的酒龄都是ER10的两倍,也就是20年。作为纯波本威士忌(Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey),其依然熟成于全新美国橡木桶,同时酒精度数依然和ER10一样,为45% ABV,容量为750ml。 ER偶尔还会推出一些例如Eagle Rare 15 Year等限量版威士忌。 此外,ER还提供包桶服务,不过其所有包桶酒款均名为Eagle Rare...
no other distilled spirit adheres to standards as strict as those established for Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. And few other whiskeys can offer even a glimpse of the great whiskey making found in Eagle Rare. Eagle Rare 17 Year Old Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey is the ultimate symbol ...
Eagle Rare 10 Year Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 度数:45%vol 容量:750ml 产区:美国(USA) 品鉴记录 颜色:深铜色 香气:太妃糖的复杂香气,橙皮,香草,蜂蜜,皮革和橡木的香气。 口感:大胆,干燥,橡木味,带有蜜饯杏仁和非常丰富的可可味。 余味:干燥和缠绵。
快速查看 Eagle Rare Single Barrel Bourbon Whiskey is masterfully crafted and carefully aged for no less than ten years. 45% ABV.更多 详情 The rareness of this great breed of bourbon is evident in its complex aroma, as well as the smooth and lingering taste. It has complex aromas of toffee...