水牛仙踪酒厂(Buffalo Trace Distillery)宣布推出Eagle Rare 25,这是一款超长陈年波本威士忌,体现了该酒厂对创新、尊重传统和拥抱变化的不懈承诺。25年陈酿的Eagle Rare 25是该品牌产品组合中最古老的产品。凭借其柔滑、复杂的口感,Eagle Rare 25打破了人们对超长陈酿波本威士忌的固有印象,也是这家世界上获奖最多的酿酒...
Time will tell how this experiment plays out as it is exciting to see the first release from Warehouse P debuting in Eagle Rare 25 Year Bourbon. Per Buffalo Trace Distillery Master Distillery Harlen Wheatley,”Eagle Rare 25 defies the conventional limits of typical bourbon aging. When crafting ...
就买酒提供天猫商城的鹰牌稀有单桶波本威士忌 Eagle Rare bourbon 美国原装进口洋酒最新报价、最低价格及历史价格查询,同时也提供鹰牌稀有单桶波本威士忌 Eagle Rare bourbon 美国原装进口洋酒的图片、产地、酒评、品牌等相关酒品信息的具体介绍供您参考。
Find the best local price for Eagle Rare 10 Year Single Barrel Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey with Glasses, USA. Avg Price (ex-tax) ¥21,967 / 750ml. Find and shop from stores and merchants near you.
“Eagle Rare 25 defies the conventional limits of typical bourbon aging,” remarked Buffalo Trace Distillery Master Distiller Harlen Wheatley. “When crafting whiskey in conditions like those we experience in Kentucky, two reactions happen over time: more liquid is lost due to evaporat...
DEVR中每款酒的酒龄都是ER10的两倍,也就是20年。作为纯波本威士忌(Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey),其依然熟成于全新美国橡木桶,同时酒精度数依然和ER10一样,为45% ABV,容量为750ml。 ER偶尔还会推出一些例如Eagle Rare 15 Year等限量版威士忌。 此外,ER还提供包桶服务,不过其所有包桶酒款均名为Eagle Rare...
关于“鹰罕见纯波本威士忌(Eagle Rare Straight Bourbon Whiskey, Kentucky, USA) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自美国肯塔基州产区的波本威士忌。这款酒散发着太妃糖、橙皮、草本、蜂蜜、皮革和橡木的香气,入口干爽,带有蜜饯杏仁和可可的风味,余味持久。 权威获奖SCORE ...
Eagle Rare 17 year-old is one of the five bourbons included in the award-winning Buffalo Trace Antique Collection. This rare bourbon is released in small quantities once a year in the fall. Tasting Notes Nose:Dark candied fruit, cigar boxes, cinnamon. ...
Eagle Rare 10 Year Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey 度数:45%vol 容量:750ml 产区:美国(USA) 品鉴记录 颜色:深铜色 香气:太妃糖的复杂香气,橙皮,香草,蜂蜜,皮革和橡木的香气。 口感:大胆,干燥,橡木味,带有蜜饯杏仁和非常丰富的可可味。 余味:干燥和缠绵。
Eagle Rare bourbon price is a straight bourbon whiskey matured for at least a decade before being bottled at 90 proof. Its lofty, distinctive taste has garnered gold...