鹰牌10年波本威士忌采用水牛足迹酒厂1号麦芽浆配方(Mash bill)蒸馏而成(除了同名水牛足迹威士忌,1号配方还用于Benchmark、泰勒上校、George T.Stagg和Stagg波本威士忌。)蒸馏后,威士忌会在烧焦的美国橡木桶中陈化至少 10 年,这种桶也被称为“鳄鱼桶”。之所以这样命名,是因为经过60多秒的烘烤,木材上会形成深深的脊状...
Eagle Rare is also produced in the Buffalo Trace Distillery, and it is said that it uses the same mash bill that the titular brand does. This label is pleasantly sweet, with brown sugar, toffee, and anise. Light amounts of smoky oak and spicy rye bring a much-needed contrast to all...
It features a recording of rare bird voices in a national reserve, where a young sound engineer has ventured at the request of a foreign producer. The engineer is then interrupted by the sudden outbreak of war.“It was a pleasure to collaborate with a global cinema... See full article at...