Eagle Claw Kung Fu (Faan Tzi Ying Jow Pai) is known for its powerful gripping techniques and intricate system of locks, take-downs, and pressure point strikes. It is considered to be one of the oldest, most complete and devastating of the surviving Northern Shaolin systems. Grandmaster Leung...
Shaolin "Fan Tsi Eagle Claw" is a set of traditional Chinese kung fu fighting techniques. This type of Northern Kung Fu was developed and widely used in China. The traditional style of kung fu was used by the famous military General, Ngok Fei, to train his soldiers. This set of fighting...
Kung Fu Eagle Claw as it is practiced today can be characterized by the use of claw techniques applied with speed and precision. Locks are a specialty of the system coming directly from the "108" hand techniques of Ngok Fei. The hands are capable of quick punches in combination with various...
Eagle Claw Kung Fu & Wu Tai Chi of Los Angeles, CA 90041 Health, Fitness, Self-Defense. Classes for all ages Real Kung Fu & Tai Chi
Bruce Lee's interpretation of a good fight is as relevant in the martial arts world as it is in the creation of Tension Study II: Eagle Claw Wu Tsiao Chen Wins. In this video piece based on fight scenes from a kung fu movie paired with a live percussion performance, the performer is...
Eagle Claw Kung-Fu 6 votes A high-octane martial arts film, this movie showcases the ancient Chinese combat style of Eagle Claw and the skilled fighters who employ its devastating techniques. The story revolves around a vengeful warrior seeking retribution against the brutal warlord who murdered ...
2791 24th St. at the corner of 24th & 4th Avenue Tel:916.802.3144 Contact Sifu Mary Melliza ©copyright 2013, all rights reserved, Eagle Claw Kung Fu of Sacramento
在线看劉莉莉國際鷹爪國術總會- Lily Lau Eagle Claw Kung Fu -.. 9分钟 44秒。28 5月 2016的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 1 — 已浏览。
雙頭雙槍 ШуанТоуШуанЦян (Double Headed Spear) (Eagle Claw Kung Fu)11 人观看 • 16 2月 2012 • 12年前0 人赞过Zhila Bogdan 1,239个粉丝 УникальнаягруппадлятехктоинтересуетсяоружиемУшу http://vkontakte.ru/...
The eagle claw kung fu training aids are characterized in that wood materials or rigid plastic materials can be selected as materials for manufacturing the eagle claw kung fu training aids. The diameter of an inner shell (4) is 30cm. the diameter of a hemispheroid surface (2) above an ...