下一次我们会来分析关闭Lazy Loading的情况下,如何显示加载相关实体,即Explicit Loading。 上一回我们在《Entity Framework加载相关实体——Lazy Loading》分析了Lazy Loading,这一回我们来分析一下在关闭Lazy Loading的情况下,如果显式加载实体。 数据库我们依旧使用Lazy Loading中使用的数据库。之前我们分析过来,当Lazy ...
Lazy loading 中又使用Eager loading 如果在启用Lazy loading后又使用了Include方法来使用Eager loading,那么实际上是Eager loading在起作用,这样EF Core实体的导航属性不会再单独开启数据库连接去数据库查询数据,而是用sql语句的join预先在数据库中查询数据: 假设我们现在有Person实体里面有个Book导航属性,返回ICollection<...
Both eager loading and lazy loading are powerful techniques in Entity Framework for optimizing data access. Understanding their advantages and disadvantages will help you make informed decisions to enhance the performance and efficiency of your applications....
2012-03-15 14:51 −Entity Framework提供了三种加载相关实体的方法:Lazy Loading,Eager Loading和Explicit Loading。首先我们先来看一下MSDN对三种加载实体方法的定义。 Lazy Loading:对于这种类型的加载,在您访问导航属性时,会从数据源自动加载相关实体。&... ...
UseLazyLoadingProxies(); options.UseSqlServer(builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("YourConnectionString")); }); C# Copy Key Differences Between Eager Loading and Lazy Loading Timing of Data Retrieval Eager loading fetches all related data in a single query upfront. Lazy loading defers the ...
看来大家还对ActiveRecord的lazy loading和eager loading不是很清楚 ActiveRecord默认是lazy loading的,而加上:include选项后可以指定eager loading一些字段 :include - specify second-order associations that should be eager loaded when the c ...
we delved into Lazy Loading and Eager Loading. We learned how each strategy works and saw the scenarios in which each of them is useful. We also went over the best practices to consider when choosing one over another. Finally, the choice between Eager Loading and Lazy Loading depends on the...
Entity Framework Core (EF Core) supports a number of ways to load related data. There’s eager loading, lazy loading, and explicit loading. Each of these approaches have their own advantages and drawba
It's well known that there are Lazy Loading approach and Eager Loading approach in the relational query. But it's very important to know how the Eager Loading approach works in Yii 2. It has changed drastically from that of Yii 1.1, and there are common misunderstandings about it in the ...
Eager Loading is opposite of Lazy Loading. It loads the related data in scalar and navigation properties along with query result at first shot. Here is the domain model and Entities we are going to use. Please note the navigation property ‘Contact’ in Friend model and one-to-many relations...