But now, i think that developers * up with WEP APP like with the game. Reply 1 + XP #58 October 2023 Options hegsyyy ★★★ Newbie Same, Been playing since the start of Fifa 22 and Early access to EAFC 24 over 100+ games still no web app access Joke of a company. Reply...
Hallo zusammen, ich habe Fifa 23 auf dem PC gespielt und habe mich nachdem ich bei EAFC auf PS5 einen Account erstellt habe versucht in der Web App
1.已经登录过Web APP; 2.通过steam进,PC上每天SQB8-10场,Draft3-4场; 3.web设置里启用游戏时间已开 但网页端里面显示的游戏时间明显不对,LZ怀疑自己之前打的都不算,求问问大佬们到底怎么开Web APP,是不是有什么注意事项我没搞对 P.S显示我游戏时间只有2分钟EAFC...
Lots of good tool-tips would help you to play the game EAFC 24 in general and UT in particular.- How to the attack, defense and reviews of the game modes in the game.- Useful trading guides and tools for trading on FUT and EA Web app....
Check UT 25 player prices, Build squads, play on our Draft Simulator, explore the database, open Packs and much more!
EA新作《EA Sports FC 24》(FIFA 24)将于9月29日上市,英超联赛官方账号最近发布一段宣传视频,采访了几名知名球星,让他们聊聊自己在游戏中的数值的看法。其中,曼联球星拉什福德认为自己的一项数据被严重低估。 拉什福德目前在《FIFA 24》的综合评分为85,比FIFA23多2分,他对这个数字还算满意,毕竟在游戏中能够达到...
{ window.location.href = 'https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id452186370?ls=1&mt=8'; } }, 3500); }; /** * 不清楚下载android包还是ios包,则跳转到下载页面 */ var jumpToDownloadPage = function (opts) { if (downLoadH5Handler) { clearTimeout(downLoadH5Handler); downLoadH5Handler = ...
w(e):listener.on("wx.config","wx.ready",function(){w(e)})};i.exports={init:g,appendWxTag:w,appendWxTagAfterConfigPass:x,copyDuToken:m}}); ;define("common:widget/util/native-util-new.js",function(e,a,o){"use strict";e.loadCss({url:"//webmap1.bdimg.com/mobile/simple/...
{ window.location.href = 'https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/id452186370?ls=1&mt=8'; } }, 3500); }; /** * 不清楚下载android包还是ios包,则跳转到下载页面 */ var jumpToDownloadPage = function (opts) { if (downLoadH5Handler) { clearTimeout(downLoadH5Handler); downLoadH5Handler = ...