简介:AIRBUS SE 今开:177昨收:175.77 最高:177.63最低:176.743 涨停价:跌停价: 总市值: AIRBUS SE的新闻 空客(EADSF.US)9月交付量与上月持平 分析师:有望实现2021年预期 据市场消息,全球最大的飞机制造商空客(EADSF.US)9月份喷气客机交付量与上月持平,预示着这家欧洲飞机制造商将在年底再次冲刺,以实现202...
EADSF AIRBUS SE 添加自选 178.621 -3.939-2.16% 延时15分钟行情收盘价 03/21 16:00 (美东) 1407.46亿总市值30.76市盈率TTM 182.050最高价178.621最低价1632股成交量182.050今开182.560昨收29.53万成交额0.00%换手率30.76市盈率(静)7.88亿总股本189.57652周最高6.56市净率1407.46亿流通值136.21052周最低1.86股息TTM...
波音(纽交所:BA)在2月份交付了44架飞机,其中32架属于其737系列,连续第二个月超过了其欧洲竞争对手空客(OTCPK:EADSF)(OTCPK:EADSY)。 Seeking Alpha03/11 23:52 据说意大利希望获得欧盟的支持,以为军工股筹集2000亿欧元 Seeking Alpha03/11 04:34 摩根士丹利维持AIRBUS SE(EADSF.US)买入评级,上调目标价至222....
EADSF Capital Structure Total Debt to Total Equity72.83 Total Debt to Total Capital42.14 Total Debt to Total Assets11.051 Long-Term Debt to Equity52.815 Long-Term Debt to Total Capital30.559 Airbus Se in the News September 7, 2021 Airbus maintains lead over Boeing in deliveries, lags on orders...
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来源:智通财经网 智通财经APP获悉,空客(EADSF.US)在迪拜航展上获得了255架窄体客机的订单,这进一步支持了飞机需求已开始从新冠疫情时期的低点回升的观点。该订单全部为A321机型,在典型行业折扣之前价值超过300亿美元,将由Wizz Air、Frontier Group和另外两家低成本航空公司进行分配。据悉,这些航空公司最大的股东均...
i am/we are long ba, eadsf. i wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. i am not receiving compensation for it (other than from seeking alpha). i have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. seeking alpha's disclosure: ...
EADSF Company Profile Airbus SE, together with its subsidiaries, engages in the design, manufacture, and delivery of aerospace products, services, and solutions worldwide. It operates through three segments: Airbus, Airbus Helicopters, and Airbus Defence and Space. The Airbus seg...
Airbus Group SE (EADSF) has a Smart Score of N/A based on an analysis of 8 unique data sets, including Analyst Recommendations, Crowd Wisdom, and Hedge Fund Activity.
Airbus SE (EADSF) $188.460.69(0.36%) March 18, 2025 3:53 PMEDTVolume: 2,960 USDOTC Pink LimitedDelayed PriceMarket Closed Earnings Consensus data is not available for symbol. Quarter End$ EPS# Estimates$ EPS Actual$ EPS Estimate# Estimates00 Quarter End$ EPS Actual$ EPS Estimate# Estimat...