Holy Week is a string of eight days that allow us an opportunity to reflect upon the shift in humanity Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross launched. It starts with Palm Sunday, when Jesus enters the city of Jerusalem. The week leads us through the Last Supper
Here are some articles, art, poetry, and readings for the celebration of Holy Week, the days from Palm Sunday to Holy Saturday, and for Easter Sunday – as we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the last supper, Gethsemane, his suffering and death on the cross, and finally th...
Here are eight prayers to take you through Holy Week. There’s one for each day, beginning with Palm Sunday and ending with Easter. Be inspired and encouraged as you reflect on the cross and resurrection of Jesus.
Or the small business owner who obviously knows little of how tariffs work. Evidently, he learned the hard way when a reporter explained to him that tariffs on his products would necessitate his passing the rise in costs along to his buyers. STUPIDITY? “JUST DESSERTS?” Or FOX NEWS ONLY!!
Or the small business owner who obviously knows little of how tariffs work. Evidently, he learned the hard way when a reporter explained to him that tariffs on his products would necessitate his passing the rise in costs along to his buyers. ...
5% of every Humble Possibilities membership is contributed to our featured charity of week. History month, our players contributed more All of us$196, on the Hidden Wizard Enterprise. To each other we are able to make a giant effect!
As explained inthe article about the 3 steps and why they are important, it’s always a little more complicated than just taking an anti-parasitic and being done forever. Whether for adults or children, killing parasites is great, but let’srewindand think about why the parasites were able ...
“I don’t really have any place to hang my hat with a team,” Tom explained. “I played longer with the Cincinnati Royals than anybody, but they’re in Sacramento now. I benefit from everybody knowing Dick, here. I don’t have that same home feeling about my team. My number’s ...
These weekly pilot classes in Sierra Leone are for members of the stake presidency, bishoprics, branch presidencies and their wives, explainedthe Church’s Africa Newsroom. The aim is to provide these leaders with valuable insights and tools to strengthen marriages a...
【推荐1】On Christmas Day, I got my long-wanted radio-controlled truck. But you would not believe the___and work that went into getting this holy toy. For over a month I stared at___magazines I received from my friend until I had made up my mind: I wanted a Pumpkin truck. I__...