The invention relates to a connection buckle for seat belts comprising a base (1) having one or more insertion seats (11) of corresponding free ends (4) of seat belts, a locking system (2) for releasably retaining the ends (4) inside the insertion seats (11), an operating element (23...
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牵引 几何关系和 皮带/链 工具(块工具栏)允许您使用布局草图创建这些机制: 多个齿轮组 电缆和皮带滑轮 链轮系统 牵引 牵引 几何关系通过在代表滑轮或链轮的块之间加入相切几何关系,以在草图实体之间生成相对旋转约束。 视频:带多个圆弧的牵引几何关系 视频:带圆弧和线性实体的牵引几何关系 ...
A modular covering element for bar-type conveyor belts, of the type constituted by two opposite and rigidly coupled series (11, 13, 113) of removable coupling elements (15, 16, 116, 315, 316), a first series (11) for fixing to a first bar (12) of a conveyor belt (50) and a ...
Seat Belts Protect Your Aorta Better Than Airbagsmulti-robot systemsauction utility functionmultirobot task allocation auctionphysical interference impactComputer scienceInterferenceMathematicsMultirobot systemsPhase measurementRobotsABSTRACTdoi:10.1109/DIS.2006.58Charles Sorbie...
A Velcro surface coating has Velcro belts (7) that are hooked to each other to firmly fix the stand in the soil, when the stand is pressed into the soil.MERLAKU, KASTRIOT
ON TEMPERATURE OF DARK CONIFEROUS FOREST BELTSdoi:CNKI:SUN:JXTW.0.1984-01-018In the mountainous zonality of vegetation, the dark coniferous forest belt, mainly composed of Picea, Abies, etc., requires rather restricted ecological conditions.This paper deals with the temperature characteristics in the...
The accelerated speed of the take-away belts (7) is used to compensate for the acceleration of each given document by the tips of the flaps (4) as the flaps round the corner at the end of their run.RICCIARDI Mario
Dean, S. L., Morgan, J. K., & Fournier, T. (2013). Geometries of frontal fold and thrust belts: Insights from discrete element simulations. Journal of Structural Geology, 53, 43-53.