Are the capacitors on the 983a the same height as the NAND and controller chips? Wondering if anyone had to "shim" thermal pads in various places to get heatsinks mounted. Also curious if anyone thinks it would be sufficient just to put a heatsink o...
规格 智能西施电饭煲TB-JM4007 加工定制 是 可售卖地 北京;天津;河北;山西;内蒙古;辽宁;吉林;黑龙江;上海;江苏;浙江;安徽;福建;江西;山东;河南;湖北;湖南;广东;广西;海南;重庆;四川;贵州;云南;西藏;陕西;甘肃;青海;宁夏;新疆 型号 TB-JM4007 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因...