eared-type macesDecea MureşuluiCucuteni A-Bcultural relationshipsA fragment of an eared-type mace was recently found in the collections of the History and Archaeology Museum at Piatra-Neamt. The artefact originates from Traian 'Dealul Fntnilor', a Cucuteni ...
(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)员工1-20人,公司类别为有限责任公司自然人独资是合肥市贸易/进出口行业的知名品牌。 工商信息 合肥优特福贸易有限公司 展开 法定代表人:郑顺芳 注册资本:100万人民币 成立日期:2016-08-16 企业类型:有限责任公司自然人独资 经营状态:存续(在营、...
The artefact is a lid with an anthropo-zoomorphic handle and is an extremely rare find at Gumelnia culture settlements. The lid might be associated with a cultic theme.MoldoveanuKatiaTeleorman County Museum Bulletin