while i was at it, i took apart my ea6400 to deal with the dreadful 101 degC CPU temp - it was the first time i saw it with dd-wrt's status page. after disassembling it (youtube videos available), i put some leftover 212evo CPU thermal paste inbetween the thermal pad and the c...
1. 下载linksysinfo.org/index.p...中的文件 1e. 该步骤似乎并无实际用途,仅用于确保能够连接到路由器,因此可以忽略。2g. 软件提示固件刷新成功,但此时路由仍运行Linksys的原厂固件。需进入troubleshooting-diagnostics-restore previous firmware,等待5分钟后尝试通过浏览器输入192.168.0.1进入DD-WRT...
BETA DDWRT https://wiki.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Linksys_EA6400 https://dd-wrt.com/support/other-downloads/?path=betas https://download1.dd-wrt.com/dd-wrtv2/downloads/betas/ RISKY HOW-TO https://wiki.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Linksys_EA6400 https://www.linksysinfo.org/index.php?
[EA6400] 关于EA6400刷DD-WRT/AC56U版本 222ba 2015-1-10 18845 bogeymanking 2016-2-12 20:35 [CISCO通用] LINKSYS路由器端口转发 222ba 2015-1-12 14761 那个男人 2015-3-19 16:29 [WRT1900AC] 港版WRT1900AC实拍 222ba 2014-10-3 14670 chowyeo 2015-1-9 09:52 [WRT1900AC] Manually sw...