美国海军电战机飞官威尔曼(左)与电战官埃文丝双双殉职。翻摄USNavy 美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)报导,美国海军所属第130电战攻击中队(Electronic Attack Squadron 130)的一架EA-18G“咆哮者”(Growler)电战攻击机,15日由飞官威尔曼驾驶、电战官埃文丝操作电战设施,自惠德比岛(Whidbey Island)海军航空站起飞,进行例...
The extensive commonality between the F/A-18E/F and the EA-18G Growler, as well as its flexible platform, gives the Growler much-needed room for future upgrades and growth. The first production aircraft was delivered June 3, 2008 to Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 129, the Growler Fleet...
美國海軍1架EA-18G「咆哮者號」(Growler)電子作戰機於當地時間昨(15)日下午在華盛頓州墜毀,機上2名飛行員下落不明,這架電戰機墜機當時正執行例行飛行測試。 美國國家廣播公司新聞網(NBC News)、美國海軍研究協會(U.S. Naval Institute)報導,美國海軍15日晚間發布聲明證實,1架EA-18G「咆哮者號」電戰機於15日...
EA-18G Growler is the most advanced airborne electronic attack aircraft. Credit: Boeing. The Royal Australian Air Force’s Growler achieved initial operational capability in June 2014. Credit: Boeing. The EA-18G Growler aircraft is an advanced version of the F/A-18F Super Hornet. Credit: Boei...
Product introduction: The EA-18G Growler is an electronic attack version of the F/A-18F. The Growler's flight performance is similar to that of the F/A-18E/F. This attribute enables the Growler to perform escort jamming as well as the traditional standoff jamming mission.Growlers will be...
The US Navy's (USN's) new Boeing EA-18G Growler electronic attack aircraft has been approved for full-rate production (FRP) by the US Department of Defense (DoD).rnMarrying the F/A-18F Super Hornet Block 2 platform with a comprehensive electronic attack mission system, the EA-18G is ...
The EA-18G Growler is the most advanced airborne electronic attack (AEA) platform and is the ...
In addition to the GTI course at Fallon, the Navy has a Growler Electronic Attack Weapons School (EAWS) atNAS Whidbey Island, Washington, which is co-located with the type’s operational and training squadrons. This school was first established as the Weapons “Cage” ...