Decode words with the EE, EA and EY vowel teams using 18 picture cards with sorting mats.6 pagesYears: 1 - 2 teaching resource R-Controlled Vowels Poster Pack Supplement your phonics curriculum with an r-controlled vowel poster display.Years: 1 - 2 Teach Starter Publishing We create premium...
设计意图:引用 phonics kids 光盘中有关 ee 发音教学的部分视频,让孩子在有节奏的韵 律中练习元音字母组合 ee 的发音。 2. Point and say T:Boys and girls, ee sounds /i:/,Now this time please point and say. 设计意图:引用 phonics kids 光盘中有关 ee 拼读教学的部分视频,让孩子在有节奏的韵 律...
Sentences: EE and EA FREE Complete each sentence with a long e words. 1st Grade Mini-Book: Beat the Heat Find words with -ea- and -ee- in this easy-to-read, eight-page minibook. Words include, beat, heat, sleep, bees, leap, sea, free and street. Students assemble and color ...
•Ss write these words on the lines in theirPhonics Pupil Books. 设计意图: 巩固所学过的拼读知识,强化拼i买技能。 Step 7: Reading sentences T: Please point out the tricky words. T: Lefs read these sentences, when you see the word you don't know, try to blend them first and then ...
11、encesDictate the following sentences:Put the map in the car.We saw some frogs in the pond.The children write these sentences on the lines in their Phonics Pupil Books.Tricky word flowersThe children look at the tricky words flowers at the bottom of their page.Read each tricky word with...
Long ‘e’ sound You can make long ‘ e ‘ words with these letters: ee ea ey ie and a few with m agic e But we are going to look at ‘ee’ and ‘ea’ words mostly. The long ‘e’ sound is usually in the middle of the word: seed beach ief But with ‘ey’, the long ...
Phonics(ea, ee) sheep It likes to eat meat. It likes to eat tea. tea tree sea I see my tea under the tree! tea sheep sea see tree meat ea, ee 组合发长音/i:/ Can you read the words? bee beef week feet teacher meet bee sea tree tree meet eat sheep meat see sheep see tree ...
, 比如专门为亚洲语音启蒙设计的自然拼读教材phonics monster. 而且a*list所出版的教材体系科学,每个级别的语言复杂度逐渐提高,且每个级别的语言能力标准均 与 欧洲语言共同框架(cefr)和剑桥少儿英语考试 保持一致 . 本次给大家团的speak up这套教材总共分 ...
1.phonics:ai,ar,ea,en,ar,sh,tr; 2.words: 1)jeep,bus,car,ship,plane,train,bike; 2)farm,bookshop,Shanghai,GreatWall,school,beach,U.S.A,Xi’an,garden; 3.sentences: 1)Whereareyougoing?Weare/Iamgoingto…… 2)Howareyougoingthere?Iamgoingthere…… 4.grammar:中国地名的书写; 5.topic:Wh...
英国幼儿园自然拼读教材《Jolly Phonics》全套资源,终于集齐了! 2400页自然拼读练习册,搞定所有拼读规则,开启英文阅读启蒙! 孩子学自然拼读,不能没有《Number blocks》附资源! 学Phonics,Letter Sound、Rhyming Words、Reading一步也不能少。 专门训练阅读流利...