(听一篇有关 Greek 的小短文) T:Which sound do you hear the most? b. Let’s read. (全班一起朗读小短文) T: Let’s read the passage together and find out what words have the /i:/ sound? c. Look and point.(从短文里面指出/i:/音的单词) T: Who can find out the words which ...
632 字母组合发音 by:临海的窗儿 3030 字母组合 by:Trulyli 2.2万 神奇的字母组合 by:cc2029 2708 元音字母+辅音字母组合 by:孩子王Coco 1505 Phonics 常见字母组合发音 by:SophiaCY 1419 Hello Carrie 字母组合 by:Emma2023 1.9万 音标班,字母组合篇 ...
《英语练习发音[i:]:ee、ea、ey、ie,绘本SPEEDING SEAL》 72803:28 《大嘴Aa,第一绘本RAT NAPS,第二绘本CRAB TRAP》 10703:52 《英语练习微笑Ay,大嘴Aa,绘本APE DATE》2016-09-28 15:35 7703:11 《英语第一周练习作业微笑“A”》2016-09-19 15:27 6401:31主播...
欢迎收听由主播听友104272880为您带来的“Mike_刘祖赫 Unit16 元音组ee,ea的发音规则十小故事”精彩有声内容,该音频时长1分54秒,已被收听102次。为您推荐更多相关的音频“Mike_刘祖赫 Unit22 元音组ie的发音规则十小故事”、“Mike_刘祖赫 Unit15 元音组ai,ay的发音规则
•Choose some words to blend and write them on the board; examples could be: queen, cloak, wave. •Some words will be straightforward to spell by listening for the sounds, but others will need some guidance. •Wave:point out that the /ai/ sound in the wordwaveis spelt . •Write...
Read the words读单词 wewaywith whywhatwhen wallwellworkwalk washwatchwinterwindow 02 Learn the sound学音标 以上所有单词中,粉色部分都发辅音/w/。辅音/w/的发音方法:双唇收圆收小,向前突出。舌后部向软腭抬起,但不接触。声带振动,气...
i i oa) Paronomas a—a similar ty in t h e sound of words f t h e i i o i iosam e root, plus a dissim lar ty f nss e e. Their relative pos t n o o o —in t h e c la is n t imp rt ant ark o vppa xfa v wokéjuov ilpe ev. —f fdke cgbdppa m wep...
IV. Find out the words with the same sound. w ee kend kn ow tr ai n wh y ear ly arr i ve f ir st h o me s ay cl ea n 1. tree___ ___ 2. learn___ ___ 3. bike___ ___ 4. boat___ ___ 5. play___ ___
A method of playing the entertainment system includes a plurality of players initially selecting a predetermined number of game pieces and then, in turn, arranging game pieces on playing surface fields having like color indicia to form words, selecting additional game pieces or taking other actions ...