我已确认该账户上没有活动的 游戏内 禁止,Apex Legends 。XV: (2025/2/11 08:22:57): Thank you very much for your helpJuanes M. (2025/2/11 08:23:06): 请确保提供正确的账户信息。XV: (2025/2/11 08:24:03): I am playing Apex on Steam, and the in-game ID will display the Steam...
五、未能连接到EA服务器。请检查网络连接后再试。请访问ea.com/unable-to-connect了解详情。(1)检查游戏是否更新到最新版本。(2)域名能否正确解析:R5-pc.s3.amazonaws.com六、客户端未运行反作弊系统或反作弊验证失败蜀ICP备07504248号 ICP证编号:川B2-20100137 京公网安备110105002121 迅游是什么? | 迅游资费 |...
2回复贴,共1页 <返回apex英雄吧Unable to connect to EA server 只看楼主收藏回复 dnisks 蓝甲战士 6 Unable to connect to EA servers怎么破各位大神 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2019-07-10 22:06回复 青青草原qwq 专注机枪 11 10 来自Android客户端2楼2019-07-10 22:09 收起回复 扫...
Poison:On hit, victim’s health decay over time. Amount to be determined. Or perhaps they are unable to use specifically large heals for a short period, maybe 20 seconds. Heal:Heals teammates for 50 health. Sounds like a lot but could definitely be tricky to do especially under pressure a...
解决方法一:优化网络 ea app出现无法连接至服务器、连接失败的问题是因为我们的网络质量达不到要求。由于ea app的平台服务器并不在中国大陆,我们想要直接通过网络与其建立连接是不大可能的,因此我们需要加速器加速ea。在这里给大家推荐加速ea最好用的加速器——迅游加速器。我们只需要打开迅游加速器,搜索找到ea,...
Another day, another set repairs to “ea.com inunable to connect”, the mysterious issue that has been engulfing Origin and EA players. EA released Apex Legends Steam to reduce the server load, but servers can get quite overloaded very often, leading to the unable to reconnect issue. ...
EA Apex Legends Server Status Preliminary Diagnosis and Fix Assuming that you got over the fact that no EA server outages are playing the role in the “EA.com unable to connect” problem, it has to be something else. Advertisement Here’s how you can conduct a preliminary diagnosis and fix...
Apex Legends' Unable to connect to EA servers error tends to pop up every now and then. While there doesn't seem to be a guaranteed permanent fix for it, we do have a handful of tips that could help you get past it. Read on below to find out why it occurs and how you could fix...
【APEX】最近无法连接服务器(代码:net)、马赛克,画面糊、卡顿解决方法 bin_桑 1.6万 0 Apex连接不上EA服务器登录异常连不上去解决方案 为Skadi献上-心脏 5.3万 3 你说得对,但是连接服务器超时 微声细风 1555 0 【2024.8.30最新】Apex更新后进入游戏一直转圈/无法连接服务器/无法加载小蓝熊,常见问题最新...
1. Check Game Server Status:You can experience unable to connect to EA Servers error because the game servers are down. You could check the server status by following these steps: 1. Go to theEA Help Pageonline. 2. Click onGames, as shown below. ...