I found a guy on reddit who had the same problem as mine, but I'm not getting anything. If anyone could answer a simple question I would be grateful. Am I going to lose my money like this? or will they support me and place my sub? I spoke to EA help support via chat about ...
speak to EA. There's no other way. Upvote 0 Downvote P paxio5922 Distinguished Aug 10, 2011 33 0 18,530 Aug 23, 2012 #4 Isnt it tied in with your origin acc? Upvote 0 Downvote You must log in or register to reply here. Share: Facebook X (Twitter) LinkedIn Reddit Tumbl...
There are reports on reddit about this issue and people sharing the same experience but as you said, most people will understand that its pointless to try and argue with EA about it. The support chat is a joke, if you open a ticket you'll wait ages for a reply and they will always ...
你可以在 Electronic Arts GitHub 页面找到此支持包: CnC_Modding_Support 最后,我想感谢所有社区测试玩家,你们的反馈和支持对我们至关重要。同时也要感谢在 Reddit 和 Steam 上提交 bug 及问题报告的所有玩家,以及 25 年来一直支持 C&C 游戏的广大社区成员! 特别感谢 EA 各个工作室和部门的许多同事们,他们的支持...
CnC_Modding_Support 最后,我想感谢所有社区测试玩家,你们的反馈和支持对我们至关重要。同时也要感谢在 Reddit 和 Steam 上提交 bug 及问题报告的所有玩家,以及 25 年来一直支持 C&C 游戏的广大社区成员! 特别感谢 EA 各个工作室和部门的许多同事们,他们的支持让这个项目得以实现。还要感谢 EA Partners 团队,他们...
EA Support offers a variety of contact options, such as live chat and callback requests. Choose the best method for you and provide detailed information about your issue. EA Support specialists will guide you through the troubleshooting process and, if necessary, escalate your case to ensure a ...
CnC_Modding_Support 最后,我想感谢所有社区测试玩家,你们的反馈和支持对我们至关重要。同时也要感谢在 Reddit 和 Steam 上提交 bug 及问题报告的所有玩家,以及 25 年来一直支持 C&C 游戏的广大社区成员! 特别感谢 EA 各个工作室和部门的许多同事们,他们的支持让这个项目得以实现。还要感谢 EA Partners 团队,他们...
CnC_Modding_Support 最后,我想感谢所有社区测试玩家,你们的反馈和支持对我们至关重要。同时也要感谢在 Reddit 和 Steam 上提交 bug 及问题报告的所有玩家,以及 25 年来一直支持 C&C 游戏的广大社区成员! 特别感谢 EA 各个工作室和部门的许多同事们,他们的支持让这个项目得以实现。还要感谢 EA Partners 团队,他们...
“游戏界也藏斯诺登 曝EA通过Origin监视玩家” Reddit上最近出现了一篇有趣的帖子,帖子里通过证据说明,EA正在通过Origin客户端检测你的活动文件,也就是正在监视你的使用习惯。而且这一行为几乎 +3 分享76赞 origin吧 铁锈色的睛睛 在origin下载的游戏怎么用ea打开怎么办,重装系统了,然后买了个xgp会员,想玩战地五,...
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