I can’t access to EA support Chat Live!!! Why?? Did I enter more than once? I complain about my bad luck?Is it wrong to complain about my luck because when I play and see competitors other than me who have the latest card releases?I do all the challenges and take the best Packa...
在EA美国官网找客服..在EA美国官网找客服,点完live chat 就是弹不出来聊天对话框…这是为啥。就一直等也没有…就这样子。出不来还有大哥知道什么情况嘛,拯救一下我。我一定要联系上他们客服啊
稍等一会,然后等黄色图标亮起来以后,点击Chat Now。如果一直在转,最终变灰,刷新网页再试即可。 图片来自:GDI·突击队员的百度相册 通过百度相册上传6楼2014-01-13 21:23 回复 Wolfy 起源LV14 14 ===Live Chat到此完结=== 7楼2014-01-13 21:24 回复 Wolfy 起源LV14 14 My conversations(我的交流) ...
Has anyone been able to get through EA's website for support / live chat without getting an error? Super frustrating. [EDIT: modified thread title to... - 9142506
今天Up向大家分享Origin的Live Chat客服的方法,当你Origin账号被盗或者忘记密码并且邮件收不到时,可以去找在线客服聊天(当然是英文聊天),一下子就能把账号找回了。他会让你提供你账号注册时的邮箱,然后向你邮箱发送一封有6位代码的邮件,你将代码告诉他,他就会向你的邮箱发送一封带有密码重置网址的邮件,你进入网页输...
Hello all,The EA live support chat does not seem to be working. Sometimes it is grayed out and says "Request live chat" to which I am unable to do anything,... - 6692167
实在不行淘宝或者闲鱼找人代你跟ea聊,能解决的一般都会跟你说可以,不能解决也不会收你钱 来自iPhone客户端3楼2020-06-11 20:42 收起回复 0keery0 初涉江湖 1 EA 的live chat 好像给删了,我也没找到 4楼2022-03-23 00:01 回复 登录百度帐号 下次自动登录 忘记密码? 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴...
怎么跟EA客服LIV..有经验的老哥来说一下怎么跟EA客服LIVE CHAT吧VPN也挂了,电脑端手机端都试了,只会弹出一个窗口,然而弹出后再也没有任何反应;本身窗口也没有任何响应了这之后应该怎么办?
chat going with EA and that is not working either. I select the option to live chat which has a time approximation underneath and enter all my info. The console I play, first, last name, and email. Then I can describe the subject of my issue and attach a pic as well. When I...