Campaign was the backbone of the original UFC Mobile, and it still matters here. It’s the only mode that's open to you right out of the gate, and we’ve tweaked it a bit for the new game. Rather than traveling across one map, you fight your way through several Chapters based on ...
EA SPORTS UFC Mobile 2简介 EA Sports UFC Mobile 2 让您指挥参加最高水平运动的运动员,带您进入专业综合格斗的世界。您必须流利地利用每个战士的动作,因为您永远都在争取时间来获得淘汰赛或屈服的胜利。你完成的每一次完成,你赢得的每一张战斗卡都是为了你自己的战斗阵营的声誉和改善。
UFC Mobile 2 was built specifically for mobile and does not feature cross-play with any other versions of EA SPORTS UFC. What are the minimum requirements to play on an Android Device? Operating System: Android 5.0 and above Memory: 1.5 GB RAM CPU: 1.5 GHz quad-core (32-bit or 64-bit...
EA SPORTS UFC 2官方版(UFC Mobile 2)v1.11.09 运行平台:Android, iOS 资源类型:格斗 语言版本:美版 厂商名称:ELECTRONIC ARTS 发行时间:2024-9-23 添加时间:2021-07-23 11:36:10 资源大小:94.27 MB 版本号码:v1.11.09 版本: 扫描二维码下载
EA SPORTS™ UFC®安卓版免费下载,尽在悟饭游戏厅,EA SPORTS™ UFC®简介:美体验移动版《EA SPORTS™ UFC®》的Octagon® 世界! 收集您最喜欢的UFC斗士,投身于精彩激烈的格斗赛事,参加与真实UFC世界同步的直播比赛,在游戏中赢得您的奖励。 \r\n\r\
Get a head-start in the Octagon with our guide to playing UFC Mobile 2. What makes my Fighter more powerful? Your Account Level Your Account Level caps your Fighter’s Rank and unlocks certain game features. Increase your Account Level by earning Account XP. When you first start playing ...
格斗游戏《WWE 2K》是否记得?格斗的畅快让你享受拳拳到肉的感觉,而与之相比肩的《终极格斗冠军(EA Sports UFC)》也非常优秀,目前此作品已经正式登陆iOS、Android双平台,玩家们可以在游戏中感受一下世界级别最高、规模最大的职业综合格斗赛事。 《EA SPORTS UFC》开创性地将综合格斗的紧张刺激带入到您的掌上设备...
Learn how to make your UFC Mobile 2 Fighters stronger, and get some gameplay tips from the EA Help team.
Learn how to make your UFC Mobile 2 Fighters stronger, and get some gameplay tips from the EA Help team.
EA SPORTS UFC 2手游最新版2024(简称UFC2)是EA公司推出的综合格斗类RPG动作手游,翻译过来也叫作终极格斗冠军赛2。玩家将进入到一个激烈的格斗世界,在这里,你可以使用全新的斗士进行各种各样的训练,不断升级解锁高级能力,然后在赛场上一展身手,最后成为终极格斗的冠军,体验前所未有的正宗综合格斗体验! 此外,EA ...