Get more from your game with EA Play for Xbox. Unlock exclusive in-game challenges, member-only content, early trials of new releases, and access to top titles.
EA Play已经加入 Xbox Game Pass Ultimate了,虽然人在上班已经在远程下载[doge]晚点整理一份游戏列表出来
Phil Spencer,Xbox部门的负责人,透露:“从这个假期开始,Xbox Game Pass Ultimate和PC会员将免费享用EA Play的会员资格。无论你是Xbox One或Xbox Series系列的玩家,还是Windows 10的用户,都能畅享EA Play的丰富内容。”特别是对于PC用户,他们将通过Windows 10的EA Play版本享受到这一合作带来的实惠。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 下一页 尾页 281回复贴,共8页 ,跳到 页确定 <返回xboxone吧XBOX GAME PASS ULTIMATE 12+22(34)MONTHS + EA PLAY快速連接 只看楼主收藏回复 cool_2420519 失落之城 5 为中国人服务专用连接来了 送TA礼物 1楼2021-11-01 09:46回复 ...
I am now having the same prombem with my Xbox and EA account being connected but my Xbox ultimate isnt giving me EA play on my PC. Iv tried sigining in and out with my email and password and with my xbox account but neither have worked for me. Reply 0 ...
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members receive EA Play on Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and Windows 10/11 via the Xbox app for Windows and the EA app, now in beta. PC Game Pass members receive EA Play on Windows 10/11 via the Xbox for Windows app and the EA app. Xbox Game...
从去年11月开始,Xbox宣布与XGP与EA的游戏订阅服务EA Play整合,所有XGP Ultimate用户免费获得EA Play的全套服务。而这项政策也支持玩家将现有的EA Play订阅时间兑换成XGP Ultimate时长。 此前,这项政策的汇率是一年EA Play订阅服务(费用30美元,约合192元6角8人民币)可以兑换4个月的XGP Ultimate时长(费用59.96美元...
How to Use EA Play With Game Pass Ultimate To use EA Play with Game Pass on PC, you're going to need three things: The Xbox app, the EA Desktop app, and of course, a Game Pass Ultimate subscription. There's a chance that you have installed the Xbox app on your computer. If no...
02:17免费PC/手游《蓝色反射:燦》概览预告片公布 00:30漫威发布《蚁人3》新中文预告 2月17日北美上映 01:00《歪小子斯科特对抗全世界》在Steam发售 游戏褒贬不一 04:05《无畏契约》公布第六幕“启示录” 新地图1月10日上线 01:34《最后的生还者》剧集特辑:惊险求生之旅将开启 ...
Bonjour, En étant abonné à Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, vous allez être abonné à EA Play version standard. L'abonnement sera valable sur Xbox et Windows