如果您嘗試將現有的 Microsoft Online 支援合約 (MOSA) 訂用帳戶轉移給沒有 Enterprise 合約 的支援方案,則訂用帳戶不會自動轉移。 您必須在寬限期內 (在下個月結束之前) 回購 EA 註冊的支援計劃。使用預算管理部門和帳戶費用EA 客戶可以在註冊下方,為每個部門和帳戶設定預算。 成本管理中的預算可協...
1. 检查网络连接:● 重启你的路由器和调制解调器,让其重新建立连接。● 确保你的网络连接稳定,可以通过打开其他网页或应用程序进行确认。2. 检查EA服务器状态:● 访问EA的官方网站或社交媒体页面,查看是否有服务器问题或维护公告,如果有公告,只能等待修复。3. 更新游戏和平台:● 打开游戏平台(如O...
玩家能够在游戏中亲身体验最正统的欧冠赛事,体验EA为这一模式专门打造的专属用户界面以及高度还原欧冠体验的声画效果,更别提精心制作的欧冠经典开场场景及冠军队伍捧杯动画,其所展现的激情不输世界杯分毫。而在《FC online》进军亚运会的同时,《FC足球世界》的电竞之路也正如火如荼的开展,玩家将迎来FC时代的首届...
If you try to transfer an existing Microsoft Online Support Agreement (MOSA) subscription that has a support plan to an Enterprise Agreement without one, the subscription doesn't automatically transfer. You need to repurchase a support plan for your EA enrollment during the grace period, which is...
If you try to transfer an existing Microsoft Online Support Agreement (MOSA) subscription that has a support plan to an Enterprise Agreement without one, the subscription doesn't automatically transfer. You need to repurchase a support plan for your EA enrollment during the grace period, whic...
FC ONLINE | 选正确助教 助你球场如虎添翼 最新的版本里,比赛节奏加快、双方互相“拼刺刀”的场景很多,往往会出现大比分。在这种紧张刺激的对局里,除了按键操作和球员能力外,球员携带的助教特性也有重要影响。使用恰当的助教,能帮助球员最大化发挥特长。下面来介绍当下比较热门的助教,看看哪些更值得使用。
我们说,彼时的《FIFA Online 3》能做到如此人气和成就,必定是借助了2014年巴西世界杯这股东风。对此,我们也就不难理解望尘科技为何选择在2022年7月上线《最佳球会》,又如此积极地三顾港股寻求上市。对于专注深耕单一垂直品类的望尘科技来说,即将在11月举办的卡塔尔世界杯或许就是他们“决战”的关键节点。而能否...
Some console games will ask you to log in at the start, while others prompt you to sign in to EA servers when you try to play online. Here's more info on linking your platform accounts to your EA Account. Still need help? If you’ve tried all of our steps and still can’t log ...
Welcome to EA Forums, where you can chat about games with other players, help each other out, share feedback, and report issues you’re having with EA games. Alerts Places / Navigation Recent Content Newest TopicsMost ViewedMost RepliesMost LikesNo Replies YetSolutions ...
EA may retire online features after 30 days’ notice posted on ea.com/service-updates. What’s New 4 Mar 2025 Version 25.5.1 We’re continuing to make improvements to the Companion App. This update includes: - Fixed incorrect timer for Training Camp evolutions ...